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OpenSSH_4.0p1%s, %s Bad escape character '%s'. Unknown cipher type '%s' 3des-cbcblowfish-cbcUnknown mac type '%s' Bad port '%s' socksBad dynamic port '%s' command-line.ssh/config%.100s/%.100s/usr/local/etc/ssh_configopen(/dev/null): %sControlPath too long%s socket(): %sCouldn't connect to %s: %s%s: msg_send%s: msg_recv%s: wrong versionConnection to master deniedMaster running (pid=%d) Exit request sent. silly mux_command %dReceived EOF from master%s: read %sExiting on signal %d/usr/local/etc/ssh_host_key.ssh%.100s%s%.100sidentity file %s type %dclear hostkey %d%s socket(): %s %s bind(): %s %s listen(): %s dup() in/out/err failedclient-sessionremote forward %s for: listen %d, connect %s:%dWarning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port %dusage: ssh [-1246AaCfgkMNnqsTtVvXxY] [-b bind_address] [-c cipher_spec] [-D port] [-e escape_char] [-F configfile] [-i identity_file] [-L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [-l login_name] [-m mac_spec] [-O ctl_cmd] [-o option] [-p port] [-R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [-S ctl_path] [user@]hostname [command] Local connections to %.200s:%d forwarded to remote address %.200s:%dCould not request local forwarding.Remote connections from %.200s:%d forwarded to local address %.200s:%dx11_get_proto: DISPLAY not set%s -f %s generate %s MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 untrusted timeout 1200 2>/dev/nullWarning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.Requesting authentication agent forwarding.Packet integrity error (%d bytes remaining) at %s:%dRequest for subsystem '%.*s' failed on channel %dRequesting compression at level %d.Compression level must be from 1 (fast) to 9 (slow, best).Warning: Remote host refused compression.Protocol error waiting for compression response.Warning: Remote host failed or refused to allocate a pseudo tty.Protocol error waiting for pty request response.Warning: Remote host denied X11 forwarding.Protocol error waiting for X11 forwardingWarning: Remote host denied authentication agent forwarding.Warning: Identity file %s not accessible: %s. Too many identity files specified (max %d)Bad local forwarding specification '%s' Bad remote forwarding specification '%s' Bad dynamic forwarding specification '%.100s' 1246ab:c:e:fgi:kl:m:no:p:qstvxACD:F:I:L:MNO:PR:S:TVXYYou must specify a subsystem to invoke. Cannot fork into background without a command to execute.Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.Can't open user config file %.100s: %.100sReceived exit status from master %dConnection to master closed. /usr/local/etc/ssh_host_dsa_key/usr/local/etc/ssh_host_rsa_keyCould not create directory '%.200s'.ControlSocket %s already existsssh_session2_open: channel_new: %d~e9*zaRCG8)gXI'control_clientssh_control_listener/usr/local/bin/xauth.ssh/identity~/%.100s.ssh/id_rsa.ssh/id_dsa~/.ssh/known_hosts~/.ssh/known_hosts2 yestruenofalseask%.200s line %d: Bad number. =%s:%sApplying options for %.100sinetinet6anyfstat %s: %sforwardagentforwardx11forwardx11trustedxauthlocationgatewayportsuseprivilegedportrhostsauthenticationpasswordauthenticationkbdinteractiveauthenticationkbdinteractivedevicespubkeyauthenticationdsaauthenticationrhostsrsaauthenticationhostbasedauthenticationskeyauthenticationtisauthenticationkerberosauthenticationkerberostgtpassingafstokenpassinggssapiauthenticationgssapidelegatecredentialsfallbacktorshusershidentityfileidentityfile2identitiesonlyhostnamehostkeyaliasproxycommandcipherciphersmacsprotocolremoteforwardlocalforwardescapecharglobalknownhostsfileuserknownhostsfileglobalknownhostsfile2userknownhostsfile2connectionattemptsbatchmodecheckhostipstricthostkeycheckingcompressioncompressionleveltcpkeepalivenumberofpasswordpromptslogleveldynamicforwardpreferredauthenticationshostkeyalgorithmsbindaddresssmartcarddeviceclearallforwardingsenablesshkeysignverifyhostkeydnsrekeylimitconnecttimeoutaddressfamilyserveraliveintervalserveralivecountmaxsendenvcontrolpathcontrolmasterhashknownhosts/usr/local/etc/ssh_known_hosts/usr/local/etc/ssh_known_hosts2Too many remote forwards (max %d).Privileged ports can only be forwarded by root.Too many local forwards (max %d).%s: line %d: Bad configuration option: %s%s line %d: missing time value.%s line %d: invalid time value.%.200s line %d: Missing yes/no argument.%.200s line %d: Bad yes/no argument.%.200s line %d: Missing yes/no/ask argument.%.200s line %d: Bad yes/no/ask argument.%.200s line %d: Missing argument.%.200s line %d: Too many identity files specified (max %d).%.200s line %d: Bad cipher '%s'.%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 cipher spec '%s'.%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 Mac spec '%s'.%.200s line %d: Bad protocol 2 host key algorithms '%s'.%.200s line %d: Bad protocol spec '%s'.%.200s line %d: unsupported log level '%s'%.200s line %d: Missing port argument.%.200s line %d: Missing target argument.%.200s line %d: Bad forwarding specification.%.200s line %d: Badly formatted port number.%.200s line %d: Bad escape character.Unsupported AddressFamily "%s"%s line %d: Invalid environment name.%s line %d: too many send env.%s line %d: Deprecated option "%s"%s line %d: Unsupported option "%s"process_config_line: Unimplemented opcode %d%.200s line %d: garbage at end of line; "%.200s".Bad owner or permissions on %sReading configuration data %.200s%s: terminating, %d bad configuration optionschallengeresponseauthenticationnohostauthenticationforlocalhostGd\TL$lpti^0;Sh{pb-*kFU8b8m88888?88&8'89 9% 9%29J9+ Bb9u99@9@9@9@9@9?9?: : ::/: 8:(E:H R: Y: a:"f:!o: }:7::::#:$::;;&;2;C;F;P;h;q;);*;,;-;@;/;1;3@B0;2<4<5%<89<9M<;U<<a<=o<>%s: id %dpty-reqSending environment.Sending env %s = %sSending subsystem: %.*ssubsystemexecshellIgnored env %s%s: cctx == NULL%s: no channel for id %dexit-statusclientloop.cforwarded-tcpipauth-agent@openssh.comconfirm %sfailure %sopen failedselect: %s keepalive@openssh.com%s accept: %s%s getpeereid failed: %s%s: client msg_recv failed%s: wrong client version %d%s: client msg_send failedUnsupported command %dRefused control connection%s: receiving %d env vars%s: tcgetattr: %s%s: channel_new: %dRequest failed on channel %d%c. %c^Z [suspend ssh] %cB break%c& [backgrounded] fork: %.100s%c# ssh> Commands:Invalid command.Not supported.Bad forwarding close portBad forwarding specification.Port forwarding failed.Forwarding port.Entering interactive session.Sending eof.rekeying in progressneed rekeyingwrite stdout: %.50s Killed by signal %d.Connection to %.64s closed. Exit status %dread: %.100s client_session2_setup: channel %d: unknown channelclient_input_global_request: rtype %s want_reply %dclient_input_channel_req: channel %d rtype %s reply %dclient_input_channel_req: request for channel -1client_input_channel_req: channel %d: unknown channelclient_input_channel_req: unexpected channel %dclient_input_channel_open: ctype %s rchan %d win %d max %dclient_request_forwarded_tcpip: listen %s port %d, originator %s port %dWarning: ssh server tried X11 forwarding.Warning: this is probably a break in attempt by a malicious server.buggy server: x11 request w/o originator_portclient_request_x11: request from %s %dWarning: ssh server tried agent forwarding.authentication agent connectionForwarding authentication connection.Timeout, server not responding.control mode uid mismatch: peer euid %u != uid %uAllow shared connection to %s? Terminate shared connection to %s? %s: accepted tty %d, subsys %d, cmd %s%s: got fds stdin %d, stdout %d, stderr %dRequest suceeded on channel %dServer does not support re-keying%c? Supported escape sequences: %c. - terminate connection %cB - send a BREAK to the remote system %cC - open a command line %cR - Request rekey (SSH protocol 2 only) %c^Z - suspend ssh %c# - list forwarded connections %c& - background ssh (when waiting for connections to terminate) %c? - this message %c%c - send the escape character by typing it twice (Note that escapes are only recognized immediately after newline.) -Lport:host:hostport Request local forward -Rport:host:hostport Request remote forward -KRhostport Cancel remote forwardNot supported for SSH protocol version 1.client_check_window_change: changedConnection to %.300s closed by remote host. Write failed flushing stdout buffer.Write failed flushing stderr buffer.Transferred: stdin %lu, stdout %lu, stderr %lu bytes in %.1f secondsBytes per second: stdin %.1f, stdout %.1f, stderr %.1fRead from remote host %.300s: %.100s )$$$$$$$$ )$$($$$$$$$'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'$$Y&%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$^%client_session2_setupclient_process_controlclient_extra_session2_setupclient_subsystem_reply$tItcgetattrtcsetattrssh_exchange_identification: read: %.100sssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote hostssh_exchange_identification: %sBad remote protocol version identification: '%.100s'Remote protocol version %d.%d, remote software version %.100sRemote machine has too old SSH software version.Agent forwarding disabled for protocol 1.3Protocol major versions differ: %d vs. %d@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY!Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!It is also possible that the %s host key has just been changed.The fingerprint for the %s key sent by the remote host is %s.Please contact your system administrator.WARNING: %s key found for host %s in %s:%d %s key fingerprint %s.Forcing accepting of host key for loopback/localhost.check_host_key: getnameinfo failedHost '%.200s' is known and matches the %s host key.%s host key for IP address '%.128s' not in list of known hosts.Failed to add the %s host key for IP address '%.128s' to the list of known hosts (%.30s).Warning: Permanently added the %s host key for IP address '%.128s' to the list of known hosts.No %s host key is known for %.200s and you have requested strict checking. but keys of different type are already known for this host.Matching host key fingerprint found in DNS. No matching host key fingerprint found in DNS. The authenticity of host '%.200s (%s)' can't be established%s %s key fingerprint is %s. %sAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (%.500s).Warning: Permanently added '%.200s' (%s) to the list of known hosts.@ WARNING: POSSIBLE DNS SPOOFING DETECTED! @The %s host key for %s has changed,and the key for the according IP address %s%s. This could either mean thatDNS SPOOFING is happening or the IP address for the hostand its host key have changed at the same time.Add correct host key in %.100s to get rid of this message.%s host key for %.200s has changed and you have requested strict checking.Password authentication is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.Keyboard-interactive authentication is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.Challenge/response authentication is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.Agent forwarding is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.X11 forwarding is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.Port forwarding is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.Warning: the %s host key for '%.200s' differs from the key for the IP address '%.128s' Offending key for IP in %s:%dExiting, you have requested strict checking. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Update the SSHFP RR in DNS with the new host key to get rid of this message.Could not create pipes to communicate with the proxy: %.100sExecuting proxy command: %.500sssh_connect: getnameinfo failedConnecting to %.200s [%.100s] port %s.Bogus return (%d) from select()connect to address %s port %s: %sssh: connect to host %s port %s: %ssetsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE: %.100sSSH-SSH-%d.%d-%[^ ] OpenSSH_4.0SSH-%d.%d-%.100s write: %.100sLocal version string %.100sPlease type 'yes' or 'no': using hostkeyalias: %sFound key in %s:%dno key of type %d for host %s%s,%sis unchangedis unknownOffending key in %s:%dinternal error Matching host key in %s:%dhas a different valueOffending key for IP in %s:%dssh_connect: needpriv %dtcp%huexec %dup2 stdindup2 stdout/bin/sh-cfork failed: %.100s%s: %.100s: %sTrying again...rresvport: af=%d %.100sAllocated local port %d.socket: %.100sgetaddrinfo: %s: %sbind: %s: %sselect: %sgetsockopt: %sConnection established.respond_to_rsa_challenge: rsa_private_decrypt failedrespond_to_rsa_challenge: bad challenge length %dSending response to host key RSA challenge.ssh_userauth1: server supports no auth methodsProtocol error: got %d in response to SSH_CMSG_USERTrying rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv with RSA host authentication.Server refused our rhosts authentication or host key.Protocol error during RSA authentication: %dtry_rhosts_rsa_authentication: BN_new failedReceived RSA challenge for host key from server.Rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv with RSA host authentication accepted by server.Protocol error waiting RSA auth response: %dRhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv with RSA host authentication refused.try_agent_authentication: BN_new failedTrying RSA authentication via agent with '%.100s'Received RSA challenge from server.Authentication agent failed to decrypt challenge.Sending response to RSA challenge.RSA authentication accepted by server.RSA authentication using agent refused.Trying RSA authentication with key '%.100s'try_rsa_authentication: BN_new failedEnter passphrase for RSA key '%.100s': no passphrase given, try next keybad passphrase given, try again...Doing challenge response authentication.Protocol error: got %d in response to SSH_CMSG_AUTH_TISPermission denied, please try again.WARNING: Encryption is disabled! Response will be transmitted in clear text.Protocol error: got %d in response to SSH_CMSG_AUTH_TIS_RESPONSEDoing password authentication.WARNING: Encryption is disabled! Password will be transmitted in clear text.Protocol error: got %d in response to passwd authWaiting for server public key.Warning: Server lies about size of server public key: actual size is %d bits vs. announced %d.Warning: This may be due to an old implementation of ssh.Warning: Server lies about size of server host key: actual size is %d bits vs. announced %d.Received server public key (%d bits) and host key (%d bits).respond_to_rsa_challenge: BN_new failedrespond_to_rsa_challenge: host_key %d < server_key %d + SSH_KEY_BITS_RESERVED %drespond_to_rsa_challenge: server_key %d < host_key %d + SSH_KEY_BITS_RESERVED %dNo valid SSH1 cipher, using %.100s instead.Selected cipher type %.100s not supported by server.Received encrypted confirmation.sshconnect1.cServer refused our key.Bad passphrase.RSA authentication refused.No challenge. Response: %.30s@%.128s's password: Permission denied.Host key verification failed.Encryption type: %.100sSent encrypted session key.input_userauth_success: no authentication contextinput_userauth_error: bad message during authentication: type %duserauth_hostbased: cannot get local ipaddr/name/usr/local/libexec/ssh-keysignssh_keysign: couldn't send requestNo more client hostkeys for hostbased authentication.input_userauth_info_req: no authentication contextinput_userauth_info_req: num_prompts %duserauth_kbdint: disable: no info_req_seenEnter passphrase for key '%.100s': sign_and_send_pubkey: cannot handle keyuserauth_pubkey: internal errorsend_pubkey_test: cannot handle keyUnrecognized authentication method name: %sinput_userauth_passwd_changereqinput_userauth_passwd_changereq: no authentication contextEnter %.30s@%.128s's old password: Enter %.30s@%.128s's new password: Retype %.30s@%.128s's new password: Mismatch; try again, EOF to quit.start over, passed a different list %sNo more authentication methods to try.Next authentication method: %swe sent a %s packet, wait for replywe did not send a packet, disable methodinput_userauth_pk_ok: no authentication contextinput_userauth_pk_ok: SSH_BUG_PKOKServer accepts key: pkalg %s blen %uinput_userauth_pk_ok: type mismatch for decoded key (received %d, expected %d)input_userauth_failure: no authentication contextAuthenticated with partial success.Authentications that can continue: %sServer denied authentication request: %dbuggy server: service_accept w/o serviceSSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT receivedssh_userauth2: internal error: cannot send userauth none requestAuthentication succeeded (%s).No valid ciphers for protocol version 2 given, using defaults.diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,arcfour,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctrhmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-ripemd160,hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96userauth_hostbased: chost %sssh-userauthssh_keysign calledssh_keysign: no installed: %sssh_keysign: fflush: %sssh_keysign: pipe: %sssh_keysign: fork: %sssh_keysign: dup2: %sssh_keysign: exec(%s): %sssh_keysign: no replyssh_keysign: bad versionkey_sign failedinput_userauth_info_reqsshconnect2.cuserauth_kbdintno such identity: %ssign_and_send_pubkeyOffering public key: %ssend_pubkey_testTrying private key: %sinput_userauth_bannerpreferred %sauthmethod_lookup %sremaining preferred: %sauthmethod_is_enabled %sPermission denied (%s).unknown pkalg %sno key from blob. pkalg %sinput_userauth_pk_ok: fp %sSSH2_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST sentservice_accept: %s,key: %s (%p)ssh-connectionzlib,nonenone,zlibhostbasedpublickeykeyboard-interactivepasswordssh-rsa,ssh-dssSSH_AGENT_FAILURESSH_AUTH_SOCKBad response from authentication agent: %dError writing to authentication socket.Error reading response length from authentication socket.Authentication response too long: %uError reading response from authentication socket.Compatibility with ssh protocol version 1.0 no longer supported.Agent admitted failure to authenticate using the key.Bad authentication response: %dAgent admitted failure to sign using the key.Bad authentication reply message type: %dToo many identities in authentication reply: %dWarning: identity keysize mismatch: actual %d, announced %ukey file %.200s too largeNot a RSA1 key file %.200s..pubfdopen failed: %sPEM_read_PrivateKey faileddsa w/o commentrsa w/o commentfdopen %s failed: %s.@ WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! @Permissions 0%3.3o for '%s' are too open.It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.This private key will be ignored.fstat for key file %.200s failed: %.100sRead from key file %.200s failed: %.100sUnsupported cipher %d used in key file %.200s.Bad passphrase supplied for key file %.200s.key_load_private_rsa1: RSA_blinding_on failedkey_load_private_pem: RSA_blinding_on failedPEM_read_PrivateKey: mismatch or unknown EVP_PKEY save_type %dread PEM private key done: type %sbad permissions: ignore key: %ssave_private_key_rsa: bad cipherwrite to key file %s failed: %spassphrase too short: have %d bytes, need > 4key_save_private: cannot save key type %dSSH PRIVATE KEY FILE FORMAT 1.1 buffer_get_int: buffer errorbuffer_get_char: buffer errorbuffer_put_cstring: s == NULLbuffer_get_short: buffer errorbuffer_get_char_ret: buffer_get_ret failedbuffer_get_string_ret: bad string length %ubuffer_get_string_ret: buffer_get failedbuffer_get_string: buffer errorbuffer_get_bignum2_ret: invalid bignumbuffer_get_bignum2_ret: negative numbers not supportedbuffer_get_bignum2_ret: cannot handle BN of size %dbuffer_get_bignum2: buffer errorbuffer_put_bignum2_ret: negative numbers not supportedbuffer_put_bignum2_ret: BN too smallbuffer_put_bignum2_ret: BN_bn2bin() failed: oi %d != bin_size %dbuffer_put_bignum2: buffer errorbuffer_put_bignum_ret: BN_bn2bin() failed: oi %d != bin_size %dbuffer_put_bignum: buffer errorbuffer_get_bignum_ret: invalid lengthbuffer_get_bignum_ret: cannot handle BN of size %dbuffer_get_bignum_ret: input buffer too smallbuffer_get_bignum_ret: buffer_consume failedbuffer_get_bignum: buffer errorbuffer_consume: buffer errorbuffer_get: buffer errorbuffer_consume_end: trying to get more bytes than in bufferbuffer_consume_ret: trying to get more bytes than in bufferbuffer_get_ret: trying to get more bytes %d than in buffer %dbuffer_append_space: len %u not supportedbuffer_append_space: alloc %u not supportedgetsockname failed: %.100sgetpeername failed: %.100sUNKNOWN %2.2xget_sock_port: getnameinfo NI_NUMERICSERV failed: %sget_socket_address: getnameinfo %d failed: %sNormalising mapped IPv4 in IPv6 addressConnection from %.100s with IP options:%.800sget_remote_hostname: getnameinfo NI_NUMERICHOST failedTrying to reverse map address %.100s.Nasty PTR record "%s" is set up for %s, ignoringreverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for %.700s failed - POSSIBLE BREAKIN ATTEMPT!Address %.100s maps to %.600s, but this does not map back to the address - POSSIBLE BREAKIN ATTEMPT!cannot happen: OUT_DRAINdeny_input_open: type %dchannel_lookup: %d: bad idchannels.cchannel %d: rcvd adjust %ucallback startcallback done%2xx11-reqchannel_send_open: %d: bad idchannel %d: send openDISPLAY not set.unix:/tmp/.X11-unix/X%uconnect %.100s: %.100s%.100s: unknown host. (%s)window-change%s: set_nonblock(%d)cancel-tcpip-forwardlocalhostchannel %d: FORCE input drainchannel %d: bad ext datachannel %d: rcvd ext data %dchannel %d: sent ext data %dgetsockopt SO_ERROR failedchannel %d: connectedchannel %d: not connected: %sdirect-tcpipchannel %d: not openchannel %d: input draining.channel %d: filter stopschannel %d: ctl read<=0%s: unexpected data on ctl fdchannel %d: decode socks4channel %d: decode socks5channel %d: socks5 auth donechannel %d: socks5 post authX11 rejected %d i%d/o%dX11 closed %d i%d/o%dchannel %d: rfd %d isattychannel: expanding %dchannel %d: new [%s]Received X11 open request.connected x11 socketgetaddrinfo: %.100sbind port %d: %.100slisten: %.100sX11 inet listenerx11 listenerNo forward host name.Forward host name too long. fatal error: %ssetsockopt SO_REUSEADDR: %sbind: %.100sport listenerDynamic forwarding denied.connected socketaccepted auth socketdynamic-tcpipaccept: %.100sX11 connection requested.accepted x11 socketssh2 x11 bug compat mode???channel %d: status: %s%s: close channel %dresource shortageunknown reasonadministratively prohibitedconnect failedunknown channel typechannel %d: gc: notify userchannel %d: gc: user detachedchannel_find_open: bad channel type %dcannot happen: SSH_CHANNEL_LARVALchannel_still_open: bad channel type %dchannel_request_remote_forwarding: too many forwardsallow port forwarding to host %s port %dchannel_lookup: %d: bad id: channel freechannel_register_filter: %d: bad idchannel_cancel_cleanup: %d: bad idchannel_register_cleanup: %d: bad idchannel_register_comfirm: %d: bad idReceived window adjust for non-open channel %d.Received open confirmation for non-opening channel %d.channel %d: open confirm rwindow %u rmax %uchannel_request_start: %d: unknown channel idchannel %d: request %s confirm %dx11_request_forwarding: bad authentication data: %.100sCould not parse display number from DISPLAY: %.100sCould not find ':' in DISPLAY: %.100sconnect %.100s port %d: %.100sconnect_to %.100s: unknown host (%s)connect_to: getnameinfo failedconnect_to %.100s port %s: %.100sconnect_to %.100s port %d: failed.Received request to connect to host %.100s port %d, but the request was denied.WARNING: Server requests forwarding for unknown listen_port %d%s: requested forward not foundWarning: Server denied remote port forwarding.Protocol error for port forward request:received packet type %d.channel %d: waiting for connectionchannel %d: close_fds r %d w %d e %d c %dReceived oclose for nonexistent channel %d.Received close for nonexistent channel %d.channel %d: closing after input drain.channel %d: big output buffer %u > %uReceived ieof for nonexistent channel %d.Received extended_data for bad channel %d.channel %d: ext data for non openchannel %d: accepting ext data after eofReceived extended_data after EOF on channel %d.channel %d: rcvd too much extended_data %d, win %dReceived data for nonexistent channel %d.channel %d: rcvd big packet %d, maxpack %dchannel %d: rcvd too much data %d, win %dchannel %d: will not send data after closecannot happen: istate == INPUT_WAIT_DRAIN for proto 1.3channel %d: ibuf_empty delayed efd %d/(%d)channel %d: rwin %u elen %u euse %d%s: listening port %d for %.100s port %d, connect from %.200s port %dchannel %d: read<=0 rfd %d len %dchannel %d: written %d to efd %dchannel %d: closing write-efd %dchannel %d: read %d from efd %dchannel %d: closing read-efd %dchannel %d: window %d sent adjust %dchannel %d: pre_dynamic: have %dchannel %d: decode socks4: too longchannel %d: decode socks4: user %s/%dchannel %d: decode socks4: len %d > have %dchannel %d: dynamic request: socks4 host %s port %u command %uchannel %d: cannot handle: socks4 cn %dchannel %d: only socks5 connect supportedchannel %d: bad socks5 atyp %dchannel %d: dynamic request: socks5 host %s port %u command %uchannel %d: pre_dynamic: need morechannel %d: method SSH_SOCKS5_NOAUTH not foundInitial X11 packet contains bad byte order byte: 0x%xX11 connection uses different authentication protocol.X11 auth data does not match fake data.X11 fake_data_len %d != saved_data_len %dX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.channel %d: obuf_empty delayed efd %d/(%d)channel %d: wfd %d is not a tty?channel_activate for non-larval channel %d.channel_new: internal error: channels_alloc %d too big.unknown (remote did not supply name)x11_create_display_inet: Socket family %d not supportedsetsockopt IPV6_V6ONLY: %.100sFailed to allocate internet-domain X11 display socket.channel_setup_fwd_listener: type %d wildcard %d addr %schannel_setup_fwd_listener: getaddrinfo(%.64s): %schannel_setup_fwd_listener: getnameinfo failedLocal forwarding listening on %s port %s.channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port: %dRequested forwarding of port %d but user is not root.accept from auth socket: %.100sConnection to port %d forwarding to %.100s port %d requested.single_connection: closing X11 listener.X11 connection from %.200s port %dThe following connections are open: #%d %.300s (t%d r%d i%d/%d o%d/%d fd %d/%d cfd %d) channel_open_message: bad channel type %dchannel %d: free: %s, nchannels %uReceived open failure for non-opening channel %d.channel %d: open failed: %s%s%sReceived close confirmation for out-of-range channel %d.Received close confirmation for non-closed channel %d (type %d).channel %d: garbage collectingconnect_tochannel_request_rforward_cancelchannel_cancel_rport_listenerchannel_handle_ctl%s: bad cipher %d%s: wrong iv length %d != %devp_crypt: EVP_Cipher failedbad cipher %s [%s]cipher ok: %s [%s]ciphers ok: [%s]3desblowfishcast128-cbcarcfouraes128-cbcaes192-cbcaes256-cbcrijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.seaes128-ctraes192-ctraes256-ctracss@openssh.orgcipher_cleanup: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup failedcipher_encrypt: bad plaintext length %dWarning: use of DES is strongly discouraged due to cryptographic weaknessescipher_init: key length %d is insufficient for %s.cipher_init: iv length %d is insufficient for %s.cipher_init: EVP_CipherInit failed for %scipher_init: set keylen (%d -> %d)cipher_init: set keylen failed (%d -> %d)cipher_init: EVP_CipherInit: set key failed for %scipher_set_keyivcipher_get_keyivssh_aes_ctr_iv: no contextssh1_3des_cbc: no context%s: bad 3des iv length: %d%s: no 3des context%s: Installed 3DES IV%s: Copying 3DES IVssh1_3des_ivaesOriginal cipher proposal: %sCompat cipher proposal: %sNo available ciphers found.match: %s pat %sno match: %sOpenSSH_2.3.0*OpenSSH_2.3.*OpenSSH_2.5.3*OpenSSH_3.*Sun_SSH_1.0*OpenSSH**MindTerm*2.1.0*2.1 *2.0.11*,2.0.12*2.0.*2.2.0*,2.3.0*2.42.*3.0.*3.0 SecureCRT*1.7 SecureFX*1.3.2**SSH Compatible Server**SSH_Version_Mapper*Probe-*У 6 E  ( S X bn {U U _"""D M@ ġ@ȡ@Ρݡ @ignoring bad proto spec: '%s'.Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 1.3Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0OpenSSH-2.0*,OpenSSH-2.1*,OpenSSH_2.1*,OpenSSH_2.2*OpenSSH_2.5.0p1*,OpenSSH_2.5.1p1*OpenSSH_2.5.0*,OpenSSH_2.5.1*,OpenSSH_2.5.2*OpenSSH_2.*,OpenSSH_3.0*,OpenSSH_3.1*2.0.13*,2.0.14*,2.0.15*,2.0.16*,2.0.17*,2.0.18*,2.0.19*1.2.18*,1.2.19*,1.2.20*,1.2.21*,1.2.22**OSU_0*,OSU_1.0*,OSU_1.1*,OSU_1.2*,OSU_1.3*,OSU_1.4*,OSU_1.5alpha1*,OSU_1.5alpha2*,OSU_1.5alpha3*extract_salt: string too shortextract_salt: invalid magic identifierextract_salt: missing salt termination characterextract_salt: bad encoded salt length %uextract_salt: salt decode errorextract_salt: expected salt len %u, got %uadd_host_to_hostfile: host_hash failedadd_host_to_hostfile: saving key in %s failedcheck_host_in_hostfile: filename %sInvalid hashed host line %d of %sWarning: %s, line %d: keysize mismatch for host %s: actual %d vs. announced %d.Warning: replace %d with %d in %s, line %d.check_host_in_hostfile: match line %d|1|host_hash: __b64_ntop failed%s%s%c%s%s no key to look upfataldebug1debug2%.500sdebug3QUIETFATALERRORINFOVERBOSEDEBUGDEBUG1DEBUG2DEBUG3DAEMONUSERAUTHAUTHPRIVLOCAL0LOCAL1LOCAL2LOCAL3LOCAL4LOCAL5LOCAL6LOCAL7IJJJJJJwJLLLLzLnLbLJL>LVL2LKܧ"'07>ELS Z a Unrecognized internal syslog level code %d Unrecognized internal syslog facility code %d channel %d: zombiechannel %d: is deadchannel %d: send closechannel %d: almost deadchannel %d: send eofchannel %d: send ieofchannel %d: send oclosechannel %d: close_readchannel %d: close_writechannel %d: output %s -> %schannel %d: obuf emptychannel %d: write failedchannel %d: rcvd eofchannel %d: rcvd ieofchannel %d: input %s -> %schannel %d: ibuf emptychannel %d: read failedchannel %d: rcvd closechannel %d: rcvd oclosewait_ieofclosedwait_oclosechannel %d: active efd: %d len %dchannel %d: cannot send close for istate/ostate %d/%dchannel %d: already sent closechannel %d: cannot send eof for istate %dchannel %d: cannot send ieof for istate %dchannel %d: cannot send oclose for ostate %dchannel %d: chan_shutdown_read: shutdown() failed for fd%d [i%d o%d]: %.100schannel %d: chan_shutdown_read: close() failed for fd%d: %.100schannel %d: chan_shutdown_write: shutdown() failed for fd%d: %.100schannel %d: chan_shutdown_write: close() failed for fd%d: %.100schan_set_ostate: bad state %d -> %dchannel %d: chan_obuf_empty for non empty bufferchannel %d: internal error: obuf_empty for ostate %dchannel %d: chan_write_failed for ostate %dchannel %d: protocol error: rcvd_ieof for ostate %dchan_set_istate: bad state %d -> %dchannel %d: chan_ibuf_empty for non empty bufferchannel %d: chan_ibuf_empty for istate %dchannel %d: chan_read_failed for istate %dchannel %d: protocol error: close rcvd twicechannel %d: protocol error: rcvd_oclose for istate %dū̫ūpacket_set_maxsize: called twice: old %d new %dpacket_set_maxsize: bad size %dpacket_set_maxsize: setting to %dpacket_send2: adding %d (len %d padlen %d extra_pad %d)XXX too many packets with same keypacket_set_encryption_key: unknown cipher number %dpacket_set_encryption_key: keylen too small: %dpacket_set_encryption_key: keylen too big: %dpacket_disconnect called recursively.padding error: need %d block %d mod %dReceived disconnect from %s: %u: %.400sReceived SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED for %ucrc32 compensation attack: network attack detectedpacket_read_poll1: len %d != buffer_len %d.Corrupted check bytes on input.Received disconnect from %s: %.400sRead from socket failed: %.100sProtocol error: expected packet type %d, got %dpacket_set_connection: cannot load cipher 'none'Write failed: %.100sset_newkeys: mode %dset_newkeys: rekeyingnewkeys: no keys for mode %doutgoing seqnr wraps aroundenqueue packet: %udequeue packet: %uCompression already enabled.Disconnecting: %.100sBad packet length %u.Corrupted MAC on input.incoming seqnr wraps aroundCorrupted padlen %d on input.Invalid ssh2 packet type: %dRemote: %.900sInvalid ssh1 packet type: %dpacket.cConnection closed by %.200ssetsockopt IP_TOS %d: %.100s:/dev/ttySSH_ASKPASSssh_askpass: fflush: %sssh_askpass: pipe: %sssh_askpass: fork: %sssh_askpass: dup2: %sssh_askpass: exec(%s): %s/usr/local/libexec/ssh-askpassinternal error: askpass undefinedrsa_generate_additional_parameters: BN_new failedrsa_generate_additional_parameters: BN_CTX_new failedrsa_public_encrypt() exponent too small or not oddrsa_private_decrypt() failedrsa_public_encrypt() failedUser name after tilde too long.Home directory too long (%d > %dUnknown user %100s.%s%s%stty_parse_modes: SSH2 n_bytes %dIgnoring unsupported tty mode opcode %d (0x%x)parse_tty_modes: unknown opcode %dparse_tty_modes: n_bytes_ptr != n_bytes: %d %dSetting tty modes failed: %.100stcgetattr: %.100stty_parse_modes: ispeed %dcfsetispeed failed for %dtty_parse_modes: ospeed %dcfsetospeed failed for %dtty_parse_modes: %d %dtty_make_modes: ospeed %dtty_make_modes: ispeed %dtty_make_modes: %d %d_6 i@ŖsJS!QZ*\-̑n?}B]]xfree: NULL pointer given as argumentxmalloc: out of memory (allocating %lu bytes)xrealloc: out of memory (new_size %lu bytes)xmalloc: zero sizexrealloc: zero sizeDSARSA1RSAssh-unknownssh-rsakey_demote: RSA_new failedkey_demote: BN_dup failedkey_demote: DSA_new failedkey_free: bad key type %dkey_sign: invalid key type %dkey_to_blob: key == NULLrsa1key names ok: [%s]key_write: failed for RSA key%02x:key_equal: bad key type %dkey_new: RSA_new failedkey_new: BN_new failedkey_new: DSA_new failedkey_new: bad key type %dkey_read: missing whitespacekey_read: missing keytypekey_read: short stringkey_read: type mismatchkey_read: uudecode %s failedkey_read: bad key type: %dkey_generate: unknown type %dkey_verify: invalid key type %dkey_to_blob: unsupported key type %dkey_type_from_name: unknown key type '%s'write_bignum: BN_bn2dec() failedkey_fingerprint_raw: bad digest type %dkey_fingerprint_raw: bad key type %dkey_fingerprint_raw: blob is nullkey_fingerprint: null from key_fingerprint_raw()key_fingerprint_ex: bad digest representation %dkey_from_blob: can't read key typekey_from_blob: can't read rsa keykey_from_blob: can't read dsa keykey_from_blob: cannot handle type %skey_from_blob: remaining bytes in key blob %dkey_read: key_from_blob %s failedkey_read: type mismatch: encoding errorkey_from_private: unknown type %ddsa_generate_private_key: DSA_generate_parameters faileddsa_generate_private_key: DSA_generate_key failed.rsa_generate_private_key: key generation failed.key_new_private: BN_new failedprotocol error: rcvd type %dprotocol errordispatch_protocol_ignore: type %d seq %udispatch_protocol_error: type %d seq %u%s: bad host modulus (len %d)kex_derive_keyskex_parse_kexinit: %sKEX_INIT_SENTSSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sentSSH2_MSG_KEXINIT receivedkex.cunsupported mac %sunsupported comp %sclient->serverserver->clientkex: %s %s %s %sno kex algdiffie-hellman-group1-sha1diffie-hellman-group14-sha1bad kex alg %sno hostkey algbad hostkey alg '%s'proposals matchUnsupported key exchange %dSSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sentexpecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYSSSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received%s: bad server modulus (len %d)Hm, kex protocol error: type %d seq %ukex_parse_kexinit: first_kex_follows %d kex_parse_kexinit: reserved %d kex_send_kexinit: no kex, cannot rekeykex_send_kexinit: kex proposal too shortkex_input_kexinit: no kex, cannot rekeyno matching cipher found: client %s server %smatching cipher is not supported: %sno matching mac found: client %s server %sno matching comp found: client %s server %sdiffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1proposal mismatch: my %s peer %sskipping next packet (type %u)derive_ssh1_session_idmac_compute: no keymac_compute: mac too longmac_init: found %smac_init: unknown %sbad mac %s [%s]mac ok: %s [%s]macs ok: [%s]hmac-sha1hmac-sha1-96hmac-md5hmac-md5-96hmac-ripemd160hmac-ripemd160@openssh.compermanently_set_uid: temporarily_use_uid effective%s: was able to restore old [e]gid%s: egid incorrect gid:%u egid:%u (should be %u)%s: was able to restore old [e]uid%s: euid incorrect uid:%u euid:%u (should be %u)restore_uid: temporarily_use_uid not effectivepermanently_set_uid: %u/%usetresgid %u: %.100ssetresuid %u: %.100srestore_uid: (unprivileged)setgroups: %.100sgetgroups: %.100sinitgroups: %s: %.100ssetgid %u: %.100ssetuid %u: %.100ssetegid %u: %.100sseteuid %u: %.100spermanently_set_uid%s: %s line %lu exceeds size limitgetsockopt TCP_NODELAY: %.100ssetsockopt TCP_NODELAY: %.100sfcntl(%d, F_SETFL, ~O_NONBLOCK): %sfcntl(%d, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK): %s:/fd %d is TCP_NODELAYfd %d setting TCP_NODELAYfcntl(%d, F_GETFL, 0): %sfd %d is not O_NONBLOCKfd %d clearing O_NONBLOCKfd %d is O_NONBLOCKfd %d setting O_NONBLOCKread_keyfile_line%s: recvmsg: %s%s: no message header%s: expected type %d got %d%s: sendmsg(%d): %s%s: recvmsg: expected received 1 got %ld%s: sendmsg: expected sent 1 got %ldmm_receive_fdmm_send_fdssh_dss_verify: no DSA keyssh_dss_verify: BN_new failedincorrectssh_dss_verify: signature %sssh_dss_sign: no DSA keyssh_dss_sign: sign failedbad sig size %u %ussh_dss_verify: cannot handle type %sssh_dss_verify: remaining bytes in signature %dbad sigbloblen %u != SIGBLOB_LENssh_dss_verify: DSA_SIG_new failedssh_rsa_verify: no RSA keybad hashlenbad siglenRSA_public_decrypt failed: %soid mismatchhash mismatchssh_rsa_sign: no RSA keyslen %u > len %ussh_rsa_verify: RSA modulus too small: %d < minimum %d bitsssh_rsa_verify: cannot handle type %sssh_rsa_verify: remaining bytes in signature %dssh_rsa_verify: len %u > modlen %ussh_rsa_verify: add padding: modlen %u > len %ussh_rsa_verify: EVP_get_digestbynid %d failedbad decrypted len: %d != %d + %dssh_rsa_verify: signature %scorrectssh_rsa_sign: EVP_get_digestbynid %d failedssh_rsa_sign: RSA_sign failed: %sssh_rsa_sign: slen %u slen2 %u0!0 +0 0 *H %s: Unexpected KEX type %dsending SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INITcannot verify server_host_keydh_server_pub == NULLkexdhc.cbad server public DH valuekexdh_client: BN_new failedexpecting SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_REPLYcannot decode server_host_key_blobtype mismatch for decoded server_host_key_blobserver_host_key verification failedkey_verify failed for server_host_keykexdh_clientSSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD(%u) sentSSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST(%u<%u<%u) sentexpecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUPDH_GEX group out of range: %d !< %d !< %dexpecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLYBN_newkexgexc.cSSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT sentkexgex_client: BN_new failedssh_msg_recv enteringssh_msg_send: type %ussh_msg_send: writessh_msg_recv: read: header %ldssh_msg_recv: read: bad msg_len %ussh_msg_recv: read: %ld != msg_len%s IN TYPE%d \# %d %02x %02x %s IN SSHFP %d %d verify_hostkey_dnsNo key to look up!unknown errorout of memorygeneral failureinvalid parametername does not existdata does not existDNS lookup error: %sdns_export_rr: unsupported algorithmfound %d secure fingerprints in DNSfound %d insecure fingerprints in DNSError calculating host key fingerprint.Error parsing fingerprint from DNS.matching host key fingerprint found in DNSmismatching host key fingerprint found in DNSno host key fingerprint found in DNSlzse^BOpenSSL version mismatch. Built against %lx, you have %lxPRNG is not seeded@ `P0pH(hX8xD$dT4t L,l\<|B"bR2r J*jZ:zF&fV6vN.n^>~A!aQ1q I)iY9yE%eU5u M-m]=}C#cS3s K+k[;{G'gW7wO/o_?3;sS[u=5}]U{go'χ!ia)/CK ME JB H@>6~^Vt<4|\Tvjb*Š h`("NFLD GOIA ck#˃%me-ō+7?wW_q91yYQۓ՝ҚИnf.Ǝ$ld,Č&:2zZRp80xXPr֞Ԝߗљ3s;&c#kv>~6+n.f{ӓCKޞ NFW_LJZRʊٙI AؘH@=}5$m-et<|4%l,duݝM EܜL DYQɉXPȈחGOښJ BS[Ã^VΎ7w?"g'or:z2/j*b]U͍\Ť9y1 i)ap8x0!h(`qbuffer_uncompress: inflate returned %dbuffer_compress: deflate returned %dcompress outgoing: raw data %llu, compressed %llu, factor %.2fcompress incoming: raw data %llu, compressed %llu, factor %.2fEnabling compression at level %d.1.2.3Bad compression level %d.0w,aQ mjp5c飕d2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqgjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-detect_attack: bad length %dInstalling crc compensation attack detector.dh_new_group: DH_newdh_new_group_asc: DH_newBN_hex2bn pBN_hex2bn gbits set: %d/%ddh_gen_key: dh->p == NULLdh_gen_key: BN_new faileddh_gen_key: BN_rand failedDH_generate_keyparse_prime: BN_new failed/usr/local/etc/moduli/usr/local/etc/primesinvalid public DH value: negativinvalid public DH value (%d/%d)dh_gen_key: group too small: %d (2*need %d)dh_gen_key: priv key bits set: %d/%ddh_gen_key: too many bad keys: giving upBad prime description in line %dWARNING: %s does not exist, using fixed modulusWARNING: no suitable primes in %sWARNING: line %d disappeared in %s, giving upFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF0598DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3BE39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF6955817183995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AACAA68FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE65381FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF  $######$$$$$$|$##################m$$FreeBSD: src/lib/csu/i386-elf/crtn.S,v 2010/02/10 00:26:20 kensmith Exp $gHwPz$w@ (w8@=w04@wysFw\s\sss w wgHgHgHw,̸: 6*\*ܽΝ֝< | |`7`7) `744 *4`AJ`Ven{ خ l($h 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