/* html_r.c * (c) 2002 Mikulas Patocka * This file is a part of the Links program, released under GPL. */ #include "links.h" #define format format_ struct f_data *init_formatted(struct document_options *opt) { struct f_data *scr; if (!(scr = mem_calloc(sizeof(struct f_data)))) return NULL; copy_opt(&scr->opt, opt); scr->data = DUMMY; scr->nlinks = 0; scr->links = DUMMY; init_list(scr->forms); init_list(scr->tags); init_list(scr->nodes); #ifdef G scr->n_images=0; init_list(scr->images); scr->search_positions = DUMMY; init_list(scr->image_refresh); #endif return scr; } void destroy_fc(struct form_control *fc) { int i; if (fc->action) mem_free(fc->action); if (fc->target) mem_free(fc->target); if (fc->form_name) mem_free(fc->form_name); if (fc->onsubmit) mem_free(fc->onsubmit); if (fc->name) mem_free(fc->name); if (fc->alt) mem_free(fc->alt); if (fc->default_value) mem_free(fc->default_value); for (i = 0; i < fc->nvalues; i++) { if (fc->values[i]) mem_free(fc->values[i]); if (fc->labels[i]) mem_free(fc->labels[i]); } if (fc->values) mem_free(fc->values); if (fc->labels) mem_free(fc->labels); if (fc->menu) free_menu(fc->menu); } void free_frameset_desc(struct frameset_desc *fd) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fd->n; i++) { if (fd->f[i].subframe) free_frameset_desc(fd->f[i].subframe); if (fd->f[i].name) mem_free(fd->f[i].name); if (fd->f[i].url) mem_free(fd->f[i].url); } #ifdef JS if (fd->onload_code)mem_free(fd->onload_code); #endif mem_free(fd); } struct frameset_desc *copy_frameset_desc(struct frameset_desc *fd) { int i; struct frameset_desc *new; if (!(new = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct frameset_desc) + fd->n * sizeof(struct frame_desc)))) return NULL; memcpy(new, fd, sizeof(struct frameset_desc) + fd->n * sizeof(struct frame_desc)); #ifdef JS if (new->onload_code) new->onload_code = stracpy(new->onload_code); #endif for (i = 0; i < new->n; i++) { if (new->f[i].subframe) new->f[i].subframe = copy_frameset_desc(new->f[i].subframe); if (new->f[i].name) new->f[i].name = stracpy(new->f[i].name); if (new->f[i].url) new->f[i].url = stracpy(new->f[i].url); } return new; } void free_additional_files(struct additional_files **a) { struct additional_file *af; if (!*a) return; if (--(*a)->refcount) { *a = NULL; return; } foreach(af, (*a)->af) release_object(&af->rq); free_list((*a)->af); mem_free(*a); *a = NULL; } void clear_formatted(struct f_data *scr) { int n; int y; struct form_control *fc; if (!scr) return; #ifdef G if (scr->root) scr->root->destruct(scr->root); #endif release_object(&scr->rq); free_additional_files(&scr->af); if (scr->title) mem_free(scr->title); if (/*!scr->frame_desc_link &&*/ scr->frame_desc) { free_frameset_desc(scr->frame_desc); } for (n = 0; n < scr->nlinks; n++) { struct link *l = &scr->links[n]; if (l->where) mem_free(l->where); if (l->target) mem_free(l->target); if (l->where_img) mem_free(l->where_img); if (l->img_alt) mem_free(l->img_alt); if (l->pos) mem_free(l->pos); free_js_event_spec(l->js_event); } mem_free(scr->links); if (!F) for (y = 0; y < scr->y; y++) mem_free(scr->data[y].d); mem_free(scr->data); if (scr->lines1) mem_free(scr->lines1); if (scr->lines2) mem_free(scr->lines2); if (scr->opt.framename) mem_free(scr->opt.framename); foreach(fc, scr->forms) { destroy_fc(fc); } free_list(scr->forms); free_list(scr->tags); free_list(scr->nodes); if (scr->search) mem_free(scr->search); if (scr->slines1) mem_free(scr->slines1); if (scr->slines2) mem_free(scr->slines2); #ifdef G free_list(scr->image_refresh); if (scr->srch_string) mem_free(scr->srch_string); if (scr->last_search) mem_free(scr->last_search); if (scr->search_positions) mem_free(scr->search_positions); #endif jsint_destroy_document_description(scr); if (scr->script_href_base) mem_free(scr->script_href_base); } void destroy_formatted(struct f_data *scr) { if (scr->fd) { internal("trying to free locked formatted data"); return; } clear_formatted(scr); /*del_from_list(scr);*/ mem_free(scr); } static inline int color_distance(struct rgb *c1, struct rgb *c2) { return 3 * (c1->r - c2->r) * (c1->r - c2->r) + 4 * (c1->g - c2->g) * (c1->g - c2->g) + 2 * (c1->b - c2->b) * (c1->b - c2->b); } struct rgb palette[] = { /* {0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x80, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x80, 0x00}, {0x80, 0x80, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x80}, {0x80, 0x00, 0x80}, {0x00, 0x80, 0x80}, {0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0}, {0x80, 0x80, 0x80}, {0xff, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x00, 0xff, 0x00}, {0xff, 0xff, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x00, 0xff}, {0xff, 0x00, 0xff}, {0x00, 0xff, 0xff}, {0xff, 0xff, 0xff},*/ /*{0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0xaa, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x00, 0xaa, 0x00}, {0xaa, 0x55, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x00, 0xaa}, {0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa}, {0x00, 0xaa, 0xaa}, {0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa}, {0x55, 0x55, 0x55}, {0xff, 0x55, 0x55}, {0x55, 0xff, 0x55}, {0xff, 0xff, 0x55}, {0x55, 0x55, 0xff}, {0xff, 0x55, 0xff}, {0x55, 0xff, 0xff}, {0xff, 0xff, 0xff},*/ {0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x80, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x80, 0x00}, {0xaa, 0x55, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x80}, {0x80, 0x00, 0x80}, {0x00, 0x80, 0x80}, {0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa}, {0x55, 0x55, 0x55}, {0xff, 0x55, 0x55}, {0x55, 0xff, 0x55}, {0xff, 0xff, 0x55}, {0x55, 0x55, 0xff}, {0xff, 0x55, 0xff}, {0x55, 0xff, 0xff}, {0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, {-1, -1, -1} }; /*struct rgb rgbcache = {0, 0, 0}; int rgbcache_c = 0; static inline int find_nearest_color(struct rgb *r, int l) { int dist, dst, min, i; if (r->r == rgbcache.r && r->g == rgbcache.g && r->b == rgbcache.b) return rgbcache_c; dist = 0xffffff; min = 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if ((dst = color_distance(r, &palette[i])) < dist) dist = dst, min = i; return min; }*/ struct rgb_cache_entry { int color; int l; struct rgb rgb; }; #define RGB_HASH_SIZE 4096 #define HASH_RGB(r, l) ((((r)->r << 3) + ((r)->g << 2) + (r)->b + (l)) & (RGB_HASH_SIZE - 1)) static inline int find_nearest_color(struct rgb *r, int l) { int dist, dst, min, i; static struct rgb_cache_entry rgb_cache[RGB_HASH_SIZE]; static int cache_init = 0; int h; if (!cache_init) goto initialize; back: h = HASH_RGB(r, l); if (rgb_cache[h].color != -1 && rgb_cache[h].l == l && rgb_cache[h].rgb.r == r->r && rgb_cache[h].rgb.g == r->g && rgb_cache[h].rgb.b == r->b) return rgb_cache[h].color; dist = 0xffffff; min = 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if ((dst = color_distance(r, &palette[i])) < dist) dist = dst, min = i; rgb_cache[h].color = min; rgb_cache[h].l = l; rgb_cache[h].rgb.r = r->r; rgb_cache[h].rgb.g = r->g; rgb_cache[h].rgb.b = r->b; return min; initialize: for (h = 0; h < RGB_HASH_SIZE; h++) rgb_cache[h].color = -1; cache_init = 1; goto back; } static inline int fg_color(int fg, int bg) { int l = bg < fg ? bg : fg; int h = bg < fg ? fg : bg; if (l == h || (!l && (h == 4 || h == 8 || h == 12)) || (l == 1 && (h == 3 || h == 5 || h == 8 || h == 12)) || (l == 2 && h == 6) || (l == 3 && (h == 5 || h == 12)) || (l == 4 && (h == 8 || h == 12)) || (l == 5 && (h == 8 || h == 12))) return (fg == 4 || fg == 12) && (bg == 0 || bg == 8) ? 6 : (7 - 7 * (bg == 2 || bg == 6 || bg == 7)); return fg; } #define XALIGN(x) (((x)+0x7f)&~0x7f) int nowrap = 0; static inline int xpand_lines(struct part *p, int y) { /*if (y >= p->y) p->y = y + 1;*/ if (!p->data) return 0; y += p->yp; if (y >= p->data->y) { int i; if (XALIGN(y + 1) >= XALIGN(p->data->y)) { struct line *l; if (!(l = mem_realloc(p->data->data, XALIGN(y+1)*sizeof(struct line)))) return -1; p->data->data = l; } for (i = p->data->y; i <= y; i++) { p->data->data[i].l = 0; p->data->data[i].c = p->bgcolor; p->data->data[i].d = DUMMY; } p->data->y = i; } return 0; } static inline int xpand_line(struct part *p, int y, int x) { if (!p->data) return 0; x += p->xp; y += p->yp; #ifdef DEBUG if (y >= p->data->y) { internal("line does not exist"); return -1; } #endif if (x >= p->data->data[y].l) { int i; if (XALIGN(x+1) >= XALIGN(p->data->data[y].l)) { chr *l; if (!(l = mem_realloc(p->data->data[y].d, XALIGN(x+1)*sizeof(chr)))) return -1; p->data->data[y].d = l; } for (i = p->data->data[y].l; i <= x; i++) p->data->data[y].d[i] = (p->data->data[y].c << 11) | ' '; p->data->data[y].c = p->bgcolor; p->data->data[y].l = i; } return 0; } int r_xpand_spaces(struct part *p, int l) { unsigned char *c; if (!(c = mem_realloc(p->spaces, l + 1))) return -1; memset(c + p->spl, 0, l - p->spl + 1); p->spl = l + 1; p->spaces = c; return 0; } static inline int xpand_spaces(struct part *p, int l) { if (l >= p->spl) return r_xpand_spaces(p, l); return 0; } #define POS(x, y) (p->data->data[p->yp + (y)].d[p->xp + (x)]) #define LEN(y) (p->data->data[p->yp + (y)].l - p->xp < 0 ? 0 : p->data->data[p->yp + (y)].l - p->xp) #define SLEN(y, x) p->data->data[p->yp + (y)].l = p->xp + x; #define X(x) (p->xp + (x)) #define Y(y) (p->yp + (y)) static inline void set_hchar(struct part *p, int x, int y, unsigned c) { if (xpand_lines(p, y)) return; if (xpand_line(p, y, x)) return; POS(x, y) = c; } static inline void set_hchars(struct part *p, int x, int y, int xl, unsigned c) { if (xpand_lines(p, y)) return; if (xpand_line(p, y, x+xl-1)) return; for (; xl; xl--, x++) POS(x, y) = c; } void xset_hchar(struct part *p, int x, int y, unsigned c) { set_hchar(p, x, y, c); } void xset_hchars(struct part *p, int x, int y, int xl, unsigned c) { set_hchars(p, x, y, xl, c); } int xxpand_lines(struct part *p, int y) { return xpand_lines(p, y); } int xxpand_line(struct part *p, int y, int x) { return xpand_line(p, y, x); } static inline void set_hline(struct part *p, int x, int y, int xl, unsigned char *d, unsigned c, int spc) { if (xpand_lines(p, y)) return; if (xpand_line(p, y, x+xl-1)) return; if (spc && xpand_spaces(p, x+xl-1)) return; for (; xl; xl--, x++, d++) { if (spc) p->spaces[x] = *d == ' '; if (p->data) POS(x, y) = *d | c; } } int last_link_to_move; struct tag *last_tag_to_move; struct tag *last_tag_for_newline; static inline void move_links(struct part *p, int xf, int yf, int xt, int yt) { int n; struct tag *t; int w = 0; if (!p->data) return; xpand_lines(p, yt); for (n = last_link_to_move; n < p->data->nlinks; n++) { int i; struct link *link = &p->data->links[n]; /*printf("ml: %d %d %d %d",link->pos[0].x,link->pos[0].y,X(xf),Y(yf));fflush(stdout);sleep(1);*/ for (i = 0; i < link->n; i++) if (link->pos[i].y == Y(yf)) { w = 1; if (link->pos[i].x >= X(xf)) { if (yt >= 0) link->pos[i].y = Y(yt), link->pos[i].x += -xf + xt; else memmove(&link->pos[i], &link->pos[i+1], (link->n-i-1) * sizeof(struct point)), link->n--, i--; } } /*if (!link->n) { if (link->where) mem_free(link->where); if (link->target) mem_free(link->target); if (link->where_img) mem_free(link->where_img); if (link->img_alt) mem_free(link->img_alt); if (link->pos) mem_free(link->pos); memmove(link, link + 1, (p->data->nlinks - n - 1) * sizeof(struct link)); p->data->nlinks --; n--; }*/ if (!w /*&& n >= 0*/) last_link_to_move = n; } w = 0; if (yt >= 0) for (t = last_tag_to_move->next; (void *)t != &p->data->tags; t = t->next) { if (t->y == Y(yf)) { w = 1; if (t->x >= X(xf)) { t->y = Y(yt), t->x += -xf + xt; } } if (!w) last_tag_to_move = t; } } static inline void copy_chars(struct part *p, int x, int y, int xl, chr *d) { if (xl <= 0) return; if (xpand_lines(p, y)) return; if (xpand_line(p, y, x+xl-1)) return; for (; xl; xl--, x++, d++) POS(x, y) = *d; } static inline void move_chars(struct part *p, int x, int y, int nx, int ny) { if (LEN(y) - x <= 0) return; copy_chars(p, nx, ny, LEN(y) - x, &POS(x, y)); SLEN(y, x); move_links(p, x, y, nx, ny); } static inline void shift_chars(struct part *p, int y, int s) { chr *a; int l = LEN(y); if (!(a = mem_alloc(l * sizeof(chr)))) return; memcpy(a, &POS(0, y), l * sizeof(chr)); set_hchars(p, 0, y, s, (p->data->data[y].c << 11) | ' '); copy_chars(p, s, y, l, a); mem_free(a); move_links(p, 0, y, s, y); } static inline void del_chars(struct part *p, int x, int y) { SLEN(y, x); move_links(p, x, y, -1, -1); } #define rm(x) ((x).width - (x).rightmargin > 0 ? (x).width - (x).rightmargin : 0) void line_break(struct part *); int split_line(struct part *p) { int i; /*if (!p->data) goto r;*/ /*printf("split: %d,%d , %d,%d,%d\n",p->cx,p->cy,par_format.rightmargin,par_format.leftmargin,p->cx);*/ for (i = rm(par_format); i >= par_format.leftmargin; i--) if (i < p->spl && p->spaces[i]) goto split; /*for (i = p->cx - 1; i > rm(par_format) && i > par_format.leftmargin; i--)*/ for (i = par_format.leftmargin; i < p->cx ; i++) if (i < p->spl && p->spaces[i]) goto split; /*for (i = rm(par_format); i >= par_format.leftmargin; i--) if ((POS(i, p->cy) & 0xff) == ' ') goto split; for (i = p->cx - 1; i > rm(par_format) && i > par_format.leftmargin; i--) if ((POS(i, p->cy) & 0xff) == ' ') goto split;*/ if (p->cx + par_format.rightmargin > p->x) p->x = p->cx + par_format.rightmargin; /*if (p->y < p->cy + 1) p->y = p->cy + 1; p->cy++; p->cx = -1; memset(p->spaces, 0, p->spl); if (p->data) xpand_lines(p, p->cy + 1);*/ /*line_break(p);*/ return 0; split: if (i + par_format.rightmargin > p->x) p->x = i + par_format.rightmargin; if (p->data) { #ifdef DEBUG if ((POS(i, p->cy) & 0xff) != ' ') internal("bad split: %c", (char)POS(i, p->cy)); #endif move_chars(p, i+1, p->cy, par_format.leftmargin, p->cy+1); del_chars(p, i, p->cy); } memmove(p->spaces, p->spaces + i + 1, p->spl - i - 1); memset(p->spaces + p->spl - i - 1, 0, i + 1); memmove(p->spaces + par_format.leftmargin, p->spaces, p->spl - par_format.leftmargin); p->cy++; p->cx -= i - par_format.leftmargin + 1; /*return 1 + (p->cx == par_format.leftmargin);*/ if (p->cx == par_format.leftmargin) p->cx = -1; if (p->y < p->cy + (p->cx != -1)) p->y = p->cy + (p->cx != -1); return 1 + (p->cx == -1); } void align_line(struct part *p, int y) { int na; if (!p->data) return; if (!LEN(y) || par_format.align == AL_LEFT || par_format.align == AL_NO || par_format.align == AL_BLOCK /* !!! fixme! */) return; na = rm(par_format) - LEN(y); if (par_format.align == AL_CENTER) na /= 2; if (na > 0) shift_chars(p, y, na); } struct link *new_link(struct f_data *f) { if (!f) return NULL; if (!(f->nlinks & (ALLOC_GR - 1))) { struct link *l; if (!(l = mem_realloc(f->links, (f->nlinks + ALLOC_GR) * sizeof(struct link)))) return NULL; f->links = l; } memset(&f->links[f->nlinks], 0, sizeof(struct link)); return &f->links[f->nlinks++]; } void html_tag(struct f_data *f, unsigned char *t, int x, int y) { struct tag *tag; if (!f) return; if ((tag = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct tag) + strlen(t) + 1))) { tag->x = x; tag->y = y; strcpy(tag->name, t); add_to_list(f->tags, tag); if ((void *)last_tag_for_newline == &f->tags) last_tag_for_newline = tag; } } unsigned char *last_link = NULL; unsigned char *last_target = NULL; unsigned char *last_image = NULL; struct form_control *last_form = NULL; struct js_event_spec *last_js_event = NULL; int nobreak; struct conv_table *convert_table; void put_chars(struct part *, unsigned char *, int); #define CH_BUF 256 void put_chars_conv(struct part *p, unsigned char *c, int l) { static char buffer[CH_BUF]; int bp = 0; int pp = 0; if (format.attr & AT_GRAPHICS) { put_chars(p, c, l); return; } if (!l) put_chars(p, NULL, 0); while (pp < l) { unsigned char *e; if (c[pp] < 128 && c[pp] != '&') { putc: buffer[bp++] = c[pp++]; if (bp < CH_BUF) continue; goto flush; } if (c[pp] != '&') { struct conv_table *t; int i; if (!convert_table) goto putc; t = convert_table; i = pp; decode: if (!t[c[i]].t) { e = t[c[i]].u.str; } else { t = t[c[i++]].u.tbl; if (i >= l) goto putc; goto decode; } pp = i + 1; } else { int i = pp + 1; if (d_opt->plain & 1) goto putc; while (i < l && c[i] != ';' && c[i] != '&' && c[i] > ' ') i++; if (!(e = get_entity_string(&c[pp + 1], i - pp - 1, d_opt->cp))) goto putc; pp = i + (i < l && c[i] == ';'); } if (!e[0]) continue; if (!e[1]) { buffer[bp++] = e[0]; if (bp < CH_BUF) continue; flush: e = ""; goto flush1; } while (*e) { buffer[bp++] = *(e++); if (bp < CH_BUF) continue; flush1: put_chars(p, buffer, bp); bp = 0; } } if (bp) put_chars(p, buffer, bp); } void put_chars(struct part *p, unsigned char *c, int l) { static struct text_attrib_beginning ta_cache = { -1, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; static int bg_cache; static int fg_cache; int bg, fg; int i; struct link *link; struct point *pt; /*printf("%d-", p->cx);for (i=0; icx == -1 && l && *c == ' ') c++, l--; if (!l) return; if (c[0] != ' ' || (c[1] && c[1] != ' ')) { last_tag_for_newline = (void *)&p->data->tags; } if (p->cx == -1) p->cx = par_format.leftmargin; if (last_link || last_image || last_form || format.link || format.image || format.form || format.js_event || last_js_event ) goto process_link; no_l: /*printf("%d %d\n",p->cx, p->cy);*/ if (memcmp(&ta_cache, &format, sizeof(struct text_attrib_beginning))) goto format_change; bg = bg_cache, fg = fg_cache; end_format_change: if (p->cx == par_format.leftmargin && *c == ' ' && par_format.align != AL_NO) c++, l--; if (p->y < p->cy + 1) p->y = p->cy + 1; if (nowrap && p->cx + l > rm(par_format)) return; set_hline(p, p->cx, p->cy, l, c, (((fg&0x08)<<3)|(bg<<3)|(fg&0x07))<<8, 1); p->cx += l; nobreak = 0; if (par_format.align != AL_NO) while (p->cx > rm(par_format) && p->cx > par_format.leftmargin) { int x; /*if (p->cx > p->x) { p->x = p->cx + par_format.rightmargin; if (c[l - 1] == ' ') p->x--; }*/ if (!(x = split_line(p))) break; /*if (LEN(p->cy-1) > p->x) p->x = LEN(p->cy-1);*/ align_line(p, p->cy - 1); nobreak = x - 1; } if ((p->xa += l) - (c[l-1] == ' ' && par_format.align != AL_NO) + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin > p->xmax) p->xmax = p->xa - (c[l-1] == ' ' && par_format.align != AL_NO) + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin; return; /* !!! WARNING: THE FOLLOWING CODE IS SHADOWED IN HTML_GR.C */ process_link: if ((last_link /*|| last_target*/ || last_image || last_form) && !xstrcmp(format.link, last_link) && !xstrcmp(format.target, last_target) && !xstrcmp(format.image, last_image) && format.form == last_form && ((!format.js_event && !last_js_event) || !compare_js_event_spec(format.js_event, last_js_event)) ) { if (!p->data) goto x; link = &p->data->links[p->data->nlinks - 1]; if (!p->data->nlinks) { internal("no link"); goto no_l; } goto set_link; x:; } else { if (last_link) mem_free(last_link); if (last_target) mem_free(last_target); if (last_image) mem_free(last_image); free_js_event_spec(last_js_event); last_link = last_target = last_image = NULL; last_form = NULL; last_js_event = NULL; if (!(format.link || format.image || format.form || format.js_event )) goto no_l; if (d_opt->num_links) { unsigned char s[64]; unsigned char *fl = format.link, *ft = format.target, *fi = format.image; struct form_control *ff = format.form; struct js_event_spec *js = format.js_event; format.link = format.target = format.image = NULL; format.form = NULL; format.js_event = NULL; s[0] = '['; snzprint(s + 1, 62, p->link_num); strcat(s, "]"); put_chars(p, s, strlen(s)); if (ff && ff->type == FC_TEXTAREA) line_break(p); if (p->cx == -1) p->cx = par_format.leftmargin; format.link = fl, format.target = ft, format.image = fi; format.form = ff; format.js_event = js; } p->link_num++; last_link = stracpy(format.link); last_target = stracpy(format.target); last_image = stracpy(format.image); last_form = format.form; copy_js_event_spec(&last_js_event, format.js_event); if (!p->data) goto no_l; if (!(link = new_link(p->data))) goto no_l; link->num = p->link_num - 1; link->pos = DUMMY; copy_js_event_spec(&link->js_event, format.js_event); if (!last_form) { link->type = L_LINK; link->where = stracpy(last_link); link->target = stracpy(last_target); } else { link->type = last_form->type == FC_TEXT || last_form->type == FC_PASSWORD || last_form->type == FC_FILE ? L_FIELD : last_form->type == FC_TEXTAREA ? L_AREA : last_form->type == FC_CHECKBOX || last_form->type == FC_RADIO ? L_CHECKBOX : last_form->type == FC_SELECT ? L_SELECT : L_BUTTON; link->form = last_form; link->target = stracpy(last_form->target); } link->where_img = stracpy(last_image); if (link->type != L_FIELD && link->type != L_AREA) { bg = find_nearest_color(&format.clink, 8); fg = find_nearest_color(&format.bg, 8); fg = fg_color(fg, bg); } else { fg = find_nearest_color(&format.fg, 8); bg = find_nearest_color(&format.bg, 8); fg = fg_color(fg, bg); } link->sel_color = ((fg & 8) << 3) | (fg & 7) | (bg << 3); link->n = 0; set_link: if ((pt = mem_realloc(link->pos, (link->n + l) * sizeof(struct point)))) { link->pos = pt; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) pt[link->n + i].x = X(p->cx) + i, pt[link->n + i].y = Y(p->cy); link->n += i; } } goto no_l; format_change: bg = find_nearest_color(&format.bg, 8); fg = find_nearest_color(&format.fg, 16); fg = fg_color(fg, bg); if (format.attr & AT_ITALIC) fg = fg ^ 0x01; if (format.attr & AT_UNDERLINE) fg = (fg ^ 0x04) | 0x08; if (format.attr & AT_BOLD) fg = fg | 0x08; fg = fg_color(fg, bg); if (format.attr & AT_GRAPHICS) bg = bg | 0x10; memcpy(&ta_cache, &format, sizeof(struct text_attrib_beginning)); fg_cache = fg; bg_cache = bg; goto end_format_change; } void line_break(struct part *p) { struct tag *t; /*printf("-break-\n");*/ if (p->cx + par_format.rightmargin > p->x) p->x = p->cx + par_format.rightmargin; if (nobreak) { /*if (p->y < p->cy) p->y = p->cy;*/ nobreak = 0; p->cx = -1; p->xa = 0; return; } if (!p->data) goto e; /*move_links(p, p->cx, p->cy, 0, p->cy + 1);*/ xpand_lines(p, p->cy + 1); if (p->cx > par_format.leftmargin && LEN(p->cy) > p->cx - 1 && (POS(p->cx-1, p->cy) & 0xff) == ' ') del_chars(p, p->cx-1, p->cy), p->cx--; /*if (LEN(p->cy) > p->x) p->x = LEN(p->cy);*/ if (p->cx > 0) align_line(p, p->cy); if (p->data) for (t = last_tag_for_newline; t && (void *)t != &p->data->tags; t = t->prev) { t->x = X(0); t->y = Y(p->cy + 1); } e: p->cy++; p->cx = -1; p->xa = 0; /*if (p->y < p->cy) p->y = p->cy;*/ memset(p->spaces, 0, p->spl); } int g_ctrl_num; /* SHADOWED IN g_html_form_control */ void html_form_control(struct part *p, struct form_control *fc) { if (!p->data) { /*destroy_fc(fc); mem_free(fc);*/ add_to_list(p->uf, fc); return; } fc->g_ctrl_num = g_ctrl_num++; if (fc->type == FC_TEXT || fc->type == FC_PASSWORD || fc->type == FC_TEXTAREA) { unsigned char *dv = convert_string(convert_table, fc->default_value, strlen(fc->default_value), d_opt); if (dv) { mem_free(fc->default_value); fc->default_value = dv; } /* for (i = 0; i < fc->nvalues; i++) if ((dv = convert_string(convert_table, fc->values[i], strlen(fc->values[i]), d_opt))) { mem_free(fc->values[i]); fc->values[i] = dv; } */ } add_to_list(p->data->forms, fc); } void add_frameset_entry(struct frameset_desc *fsd, struct frameset_desc *subframe, unsigned char *name, unsigned char *url, int marginwidth, int marginheight) { if (fsd->yp >= fsd->y) return; fsd->f[fsd->xp + fsd->yp * fsd->x].subframe = subframe; fsd->f[fsd->xp + fsd->yp * fsd->x].name = stracpy(name); fsd->f[fsd->xp + fsd->yp * fsd->x].url = stracpy(url); fsd->f[fsd->xp + fsd->yp * fsd->x].marginwidth = marginwidth; fsd->f[fsd->xp + fsd->yp * fsd->x].marginheight = marginheight; if (++fsd->xp >= fsd->x) fsd->xp = 0, fsd->yp++; } struct frameset_desc *create_frameset(struct f_data *fda, struct frameset_param *fp) { int i; struct frameset_desc *fd; if (!fp->x || !fp->y) { internal("zero size of frameset"); return NULL; } if (!(fd = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct frameset_desc) + fp->x * fp->y * sizeof(struct frame_desc)))) return NULL; memset(fd, 0, sizeof(struct frameset_desc) + fp->x * fp->y * sizeof(struct frame_desc)); fd->n = fp->x * fp->y; fd->x = fp->x; fd->y = fp->y; for (i = 0; i < fd->n; i++) { fd->f[i].xw = fp->xw[i % fp->x]; fd->f[i].yw = fp->yw[i / fp->x]; } if (fp->parent) add_frameset_entry(fp->parent, fd, NULL, NULL, -1, -1); else if (!fda->frame_desc) fda->frame_desc = fd; else mem_free(fd), fd = NULL; return fd; } void create_frame(struct frame_param *fp) { add_frameset_entry(fp->parent, NULL, fp->name, fp->url, fp->marginwidth, fp->marginheight); } void process_script(struct f_data *f, unsigned char *t) { if (!f->script_href_base) f->script_href_base = stracpy(format.href_base); if (t) { unsigned char *u; u = join_urls(f->script_href_base, t); if (u) { request_additional_file(f, u); mem_free(u); } } f->are_there_scripts = 1; } void *html_special(struct part *p, int c, ...) { va_list l; unsigned char *t; struct form_control *fc; struct frameset_param *fsp; struct frame_param *fp; va_start(l, c); switch (c) { case SP_TAG: t = va_arg(l, unsigned char *); va_end(l); html_tag(p->data, t, X(p->cx), Y(p->cy)); break; case SP_CONTROL: fc = va_arg(l, struct form_control *); va_end(l); html_form_control(p, fc); break; case SP_TABLE: return convert_table; case SP_USED: return (void *)!!p->data; case SP_FRAMESET: fsp = va_arg(l, struct frameset_param *); va_end(l); return create_frameset(p->data, fsp); case SP_FRAME: fp = va_arg(l, struct frame_param *); va_end(l); create_frame(fp); break; case SP_NOWRAP: nowrap = va_arg(l, int); va_end(l); break; case SP_SCRIPT: t = va_arg(l, unsigned char *); va_end(l); if (p->data) process_script(p->data, t); break; default: va_end(l); internal("html_special: unknown code %d", c); } return NULL; } void do_format(char *start, char *end, struct part *part, unsigned char *head) { pr( parse_html(start, end, (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, int)) put_chars_conv, (void (*)(void *)) line_break, (void *(*)(void *, int, ...)) html_special, part, head); /*if ((part->y -= line_breax) < 0) part->y = 0;*/ ); } int margin; struct table_cache_entry { struct table_cache_entry *next; struct table_cache_entry *prev; unsigned char *start; unsigned char *end; int align; int m; int width; int xs; int link_num; struct part p; }; struct list_head table_cache = { &table_cache, &table_cache }; void free_table_cache() { free_list(table_cache); } struct part *format_html_part(unsigned char *start, unsigned char *end, int align, int m, int width, struct f_data *data, int xs, int ys, unsigned char *head, int link_num) { struct part *p; struct html_element *e; int llm = last_link_to_move; struct tag *ltm = last_tag_to_move; /*struct tag *ltn = last_tag_for_newline;*/ int lm = margin; int ef = empty_format; struct form_control *fc; struct table_cache_entry *tce; if (!data) foreach(tce, table_cache) { if (tce->start == start && tce->end == end && tce->align == align && tce->m == m && tce->width == width && tce->xs == xs && tce->link_num == link_num) { if ((p = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct part)))) { memcpy(p, &tce->p, sizeof(struct part)); return p; } } } if (ys < 0) { internal("format_html_part: ys == %d", ys); return NULL; } if (data) { struct node *n; if ((n = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct node)))) { n->x = xs; n->y = ys; n->xw = !table_level ? MAXINT : width; add_to_list(data->nodes, n); } /*sdbg(data);*/ } last_link_to_move = data ? data->nlinks : 0; last_tag_to_move = data ? (void *)&data->tags : NULL; last_tag_for_newline = data ? (void *)&data->tags: NULL; margin = m; empty_format = !data; if (last_link) mem_free(last_link); if (last_image) mem_free(last_image); if (last_target) mem_free(last_target); free_js_event_spec(last_js_event); last_link = last_image = last_target = NULL; last_form = NULL; last_js_event = NULL; nobreak = 1; if (!(p = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct part)))) goto ret; p->x = p->y = 0; p->data = data; p->xp = xs; p->yp = ys; p->xmax = p->xa = 0; p->bgcolor = find_nearest_color(&par_format.bgcolor, 8); p->spaces = DUMMY; p->spl = 0; p->link_num = link_num; init_list(p->uf); html_stack_dup(); e = &html_top; html_top.dontkill = 2; html_top.namelen = 0; par_format.align = align; par_format.leftmargin = m; par_format.rightmargin = m; par_format.width = width; par_format.list_level = 0; par_format.list_number = 0; par_format.dd_margin = 0; p->cx = -1; p->cy = 0; do_format(start, end, p, head); if (p->xmax < p->x) p->xmax = p->x; nobreak = 0; line_breax = 1; if (last_link) mem_free(last_link); if (last_image) mem_free(last_image); if (last_target) mem_free(last_target); free_js_event_spec(last_js_event); while (&html_top != e) { kill_html_stack_item(&html_top); if (!&html_top || (void *)&html_top == (void *)&html_stack) { internal("html stack trashed"); break; } } html_top.dontkill = 0; kill_html_stack_item(&html_top); mem_free(p->spaces); if (data) { struct node *n = data->nodes.next; n->yw = ys - n->y + p->y; } foreach(fc, p->uf) destroy_fc(fc); free_list(p->uf); ret: last_link_to_move = llm; last_tag_to_move = ltm; /*last_tag_for_newline = ltn;*/ margin = lm; empty_format = ef; last_link = last_image = last_target = NULL; last_form = NULL; last_js_event = NULL; if (table_level > 1 && !data && ((tce = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct table_cache_entry))))) { tce->start = start; tce->end = end; tce->align = align; tce->m = m; tce->width = width; tce->xs = xs; tce->link_num = link_num; memcpy(&tce->p, p, sizeof(struct part)); add_to_list(table_cache, tce); } return p; } void release_part(struct part *p) { mem_free(p); } void push_base_format(unsigned char *url, struct document_options *opt, int frame) { struct html_element *e; if (html_stack.next != &html_stack) { internal("something on html stack"); init_list(html_stack); } if (!(e = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct html_element)))) return; memset(e, 0, sizeof(struct html_element)); add_to_list(html_stack, e); format.attr = opt->plain & 1 ? AT_FIXED : 0; format.fontsize = 3; format.link = format.target = format.image = format.select = NULL; format.form = NULL; memcpy(&format.fg, &opt->default_fg, sizeof(struct rgb)); memcpy(&format.bg, &opt->default_bg, sizeof(struct rgb)); memcpy(&format.clink, &opt->default_link, sizeof(struct rgb)); memcpy(&format.vlink, &opt->default_vlink, sizeof(struct rgb)); format.href_base = stracpy(url); format.target_base = stracpy(opt->framename); par_format.align = opt->plain & 1 ? AL_NO : AL_LEFT; par_format.leftmargin = opt->plain & 1 ? 0 : opt->margin; par_format.rightmargin = opt->plain & 1 ? 0 : opt->margin; if (frame && par_format.leftmargin) par_format.leftmargin = 1; if (frame && par_format.rightmargin) par_format.rightmargin = 1; par_format.width = opt->xw; par_format.list_level = par_format.list_number = 0; par_format.dd_margin = opt->margin; par_format.flags = 0; memcpy(&par_format.bgcolor, &opt->default_bg, sizeof(struct rgb)); html_top.invisible = 0; html_top.name = NULL; html_top.namelen = 0; html_top.options = NULL; html_top.linebreak = 1; html_top.dontkill = 1; } struct conv_table *get_convert_table(unsigned char *head, int to, int def, int *frm, int *aa, int hard) { int from = -1; unsigned char *a, *b; unsigned char *p = head; while (from == -1 && p && (a = parse_http_header(p, "Content-Type", &p))) { if ((b = parse_header_param(a, "charset"))) { from = get_cp_index(b); mem_free(b); } mem_free(a); } if (from == -1 && head && (a = parse_http_header(head, "Content-Charset", NULL))) { from = get_cp_index(a); mem_free(a); } if (from == -1 && head && (a = parse_http_header(head, "Charset", NULL))) { from = get_cp_index(a); mem_free(a); } if (aa) { *aa = from == -1; if (hard && !*aa) *aa = 2; } if (hard || from == -1) from = def; if (frm) *frm = from; return get_translation_table(from, to); } struct document_options dd_opt = { 0 }; struct document_options *d_opt = &dd_opt; struct f_data *current_f_data = NULL; void really_format_html(struct cache_entry *ce, unsigned char *start, unsigned char *end, struct f_data *screen, int frame) { unsigned char *url = ce->url; unsigned char *head, *t; int hdl; int i; unsigned char *bg = NULL, *bgcolor = NULL; current_f_data = screen; d_opt = &screen->opt; screen->use_tag = ce->count; startf = start; eofff = end; head = init_str(), hdl = 0; if (ce->head) add_to_str(&head, &hdl, ce->head); scan_http_equiv(start, end, &head, &hdl, &t, d_opt->plain ? NULL : &bg, d_opt->plain ? NULL : &bgcolor); convert_table = get_convert_table(head, screen->opt.cp, screen->opt.assume_cp, &screen->cp, &screen->ass, screen->opt.hard_assume); i = d_opt->plain; d_opt->plain = 0; screen->title = convert_string(convert_table, t, strlen(t), d_opt); d_opt->plain = i; mem_free(t); push_base_format(url, &screen->opt, frame); table_level = 0; g_ctrl_num = 0; last_form_tag = NULL; last_form_attr = NULL; last_input_tag = NULL; if (!F) { struct part *rp; if ((rp = format_html_part(start, end, par_format.align, par_format.leftmargin, screen->opt.xw, screen, 0, 0, head, 1))) release_part(rp); #ifdef G } else { struct g_part *rp; if ((rp = g_format_html_part(start, end, par_format.align, par_format.leftmargin, screen->opt.xw - G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, head, 1, bg, bgcolor, screen))) { int w = screen->opt.xw; int h = screen->opt.yw; screen->x = rp->x; screen->y = rp->root->yw; if (screen->x > w) w = screen->x; if (screen->y > h) h = screen->y; g_x_extend_area(rp->root, w, h); screen->root = (struct g_object *)rp->root, rp->root = NULL; screen->hsb = 0, screen->vsb = 0; screen->hsbsize = 0, screen->vsbsize = 0; x: if (!screen->hsb && screen->x > screen->opt.xw - screen->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) { screen->hsb = 1; goto x; } if (!screen->vsb && screen->y > screen->opt.yw - screen->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) { screen->vsb = 1; goto x; } if (screen->hsb) screen->hsbsize = screen->opt.xw - screen->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; if (screen->vsb) screen->vsbsize = screen->opt.yw - screen->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; if (screen->hsb < 0) screen->hsb = 0; if (screen->vsb < 0) screen->vsb = 0; g_release_part(rp); mem_free(rp); get_parents(screen, screen->root); } #endif } mem_free(head); if (bg) mem_free(bg); if (bgcolor) mem_free(bgcolor); if (!F) { screen->x = 0; for (i = screen->y - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!screen->data[i].l) mem_free(screen->data[i].d), screen->y--; else break; } for (i = 0; i < screen->y; i++) if (screen->data[i].l > screen->x) screen->x = screen->data[i].l; } if (form.action) mem_free(form.action), form.action = NULL; if (form.target) mem_free(form.target), form.target = NULL; if (form.form_name) mem_free(form.form_name), form.form_name = NULL; if (form.onsubmit) mem_free(form.onsubmit), form.onsubmit = NULL; kill_html_stack_item(html_stack.next); if (html_stack.next != &html_stack) { internal("html stack not empty after operation"); init_list(html_stack); } screen->bg = 007 << 8; /* !!! FIXME */ sort_links(screen); current_f_data = NULL; d_opt = &dd_opt; } int compare_opt(struct document_options *o1, struct document_options *o2) { double kdo_si_hraje_nezlobi____a_nebo_to_je_PerM=o1->bfu_aspect-o2->bfu_aspect; if (o1->xw == o2->xw && o1->yw == o2->yw && o1->xp == o2->xp && o1->yp == o2->yp && o1->col == o2->col && o1->cp == o2->cp && o1->assume_cp == o2->assume_cp && o1->hard_assume == o2->hard_assume && o1->tables == o2->tables && o1->frames == o2->frames && o1->images == o2->images && o1->margin == o2->margin && o1->js_enable == o2->js_enable && o1->plain == o2->plain && o1->font_size == o2->font_size && !memcmp(&o1->default_fg, &o2->default_fg, sizeof(struct rgb)) && !memcmp(&o1->default_bg, &o2->default_bg, sizeof(struct rgb)) && !memcmp(&o1->default_link, &o2->default_link, sizeof(struct rgb)) && !memcmp(&o1->default_vlink, &o2->default_vlink, sizeof(struct rgb)) && o1->num_links == o2->num_links && o1->table_order == o2->table_order && o1->display_images == o2->display_images && o1->image_scale == o2->image_scale && o1->aspect_on == o2->aspect_on && kdo_si_hraje_nezlobi____a_nebo_to_je_PerM<=0.0001 && kdo_si_hraje_nezlobi____a_nebo_to_je_PerM>=-0.0001 && ((o1->framename && o2->framename && !strcasecmp(o1->framename, o2->framename)) || (!o1->framename && !o2->framename))) return 0; return 1; } void copy_opt(struct document_options *o1, struct document_options *o2) { memcpy(o1, o2, sizeof(struct document_options)); o1->framename = stracpy(o2->framename); } #define SRCH_ALLOC_GR 0x10000 void add_srch_chr(struct f_data *f, unsigned char c, int x, int y, int nn) { int n = f->nsearch; if (c == ' ' && (!n || f->search[n - 1].c == ' ')) return; f->search[n].c = c; f->search[n].x = x; f->search[n].y = y; f->search[n].n = nn; f->nsearch++; } /*void sdbg(struct f_data *f) { struct node *n; foreachback(n, f->nodes) { int xm = n->x + n->xw, ym = n->y + n->yw; printf("%d %d - %d %d\n", n->x, n->y, xm, ym); fflush(stdout); } debug("!"); }*/ void sort_srch(struct f_data *f) { int i; int *min, *max; if (!(f->slines1 = mem_alloc(f->y * sizeof(struct search *)))) return; if (!(f->slines2 = mem_alloc(f->y * sizeof(struct search *)))) { mem_free(f->slines1); return; } if (!(min = mem_alloc(f->y * sizeof(int)))) { mem_free(f->slines1); mem_free(f->slines2); return; } if (!(max = mem_alloc(f->y * sizeof(int)))) { mem_free(f->slines1); mem_free(f->slines2); mem_free(min); return; } memset(f->slines1, 0, f->y * sizeof(struct search *)); memset(f->slines2, 0, f->y * sizeof(struct search *)); for (i = 0; i < f->y; i++) min[i] = MAXINT, max[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < f->nsearch; i++) { struct search *s = &f->search[i]; if (s->x < min[s->y]) min[s->y] = s->x, f->slines1[s->y] = s; if (s->x + s->n > max[s->y]) max[s->y] = s->x + s->n, f->slines2[s->y] = s; } mem_free(min); mem_free(max); } int get_srch(struct f_data *f) { struct node *n; int cnt = 0; int cc = !f->search; foreachback(n, f->nodes) { int x, y; int xm = n->x + n->xw, ym = n->y + n->yw; /*printf("%d %d - %d %d\n", n->x, n->y, xm, ym); fflush(stdout);*/ for (y = n->y; y < ym && y < f->y; y++) { int ns = 1; for (x = n->x; x < xm && x < f->data[y].l; x++) { unsigned char c = f->data[y].d[x]; if (c < ' ') c = ' ' ; if (c == ' ' && ns) continue; if (ns) { if (!cc) add_srch_chr(f, c, x, y, 1); else cnt++; ns = 0; continue; } if (c != ' ') if (!cc) add_srch_chr(f, c, x, y, 1); else cnt++; else { int xx; for (xx = x + 1; xx < xm && xx < f->data[y].l; xx++) if ((unsigned char) f->data[y].d[xx] >= ' ') goto ja_uz_z_toho_programovani_asi_zcvoknu; xx = x; ja_uz_z_toho_programovani_asi_zcvoknu: if (!cc) add_srch_chr(f, ' ', x, y, xx - x); else cnt++; if (xx == x) break; x = xx - 1; } } if (!cc) add_srch_chr(f, ' ', x, y, 0); else cnt++; } } return cnt; } void get_search_data(struct f_data *f) { int n; if (f->search) return; n = get_srch(f); f->nsearch = 0; if (!(f->search = mem_alloc(n * sizeof(struct search)))) return; get_srch(f); while (f->nsearch && f->search[f->nsearch - 1].c == ' ') f->nsearch--; /*debug("!");*/ sort_srch(f); }