/* file.c * (c) 2002 Mikulas Patocka * This file is a part of the Links program, released under GPL. */ #include "links.h" #ifdef FS_UNIX_RIGHTS void setrwx(int m, unsigned char *p) { if(m & S_IRUSR) p[0] = 'r'; if(m & S_IWUSR) p[1] = 'w'; if(m & S_IXUSR) p[2] = 'x'; } void setst(int m, unsigned char *p) { #ifdef S_ISUID if (m & S_ISUID) { p[2] = 'S'; if (m & S_IXUSR) p[2] = 's'; } #endif #ifdef S_ISGID if (m & S_ISGID) { p[5] = 'S'; if (m & S_IXGRP) p[5] = 's'; } #endif #ifdef S_ISVTX if (m & S_ISVTX) { p[8] = 'T'; if (m & S_IXOTH) p[8] = 't'; } #endif } #endif void stat_mode(unsigned char **p, int *l, struct stat *stp) { unsigned char c = '?'; if (stp) { if (0) ; #ifdef S_ISBLK else if (S_ISBLK(stp->st_mode)) c = 'b'; #endif #ifdef S_ISCHR else if (S_ISCHR(stp->st_mode)) c = 'c'; #endif else if (S_ISDIR(stp->st_mode)) c = 'd'; else if (S_ISREG(stp->st_mode)) c = '-'; #ifdef S_ISFIFO else if (S_ISFIFO(stp->st_mode)) c = 'p'; #endif #ifdef S_ISLNK else if (S_ISLNK(stp->st_mode)) c = 'l'; #endif #ifdef S_ISSOCK else if (S_ISSOCK(stp->st_mode)) c = 's'; #endif #ifdef S_ISNWK else if (S_ISNWK(stp->st_mode)) c = 'n'; #endif } add_chr_to_str(p, l, c); #ifdef FS_UNIX_RIGHTS { unsigned char rwx[10] = "---------"; if (stp) { int mode = stp->st_mode; setrwx(mode << 0, &rwx[0]); setrwx(mode << 3, &rwx[3]); setrwx(mode << 6, &rwx[6]); setst(mode, rwx); } add_to_str(p, l, rwx); } #endif add_chr_to_str(p, l, ' '); } void stat_links(unsigned char **p, int *l, struct stat *stp) { #ifdef FS_UNIX_HARDLINKS unsigned char lnk[64]; if (!stp) add_to_str(p, l, " "); else { sprintf(lnk, "%3d ", (int)stp->st_nlink); add_to_str(p, l, lnk); } #endif } int last_uid = -1; char last_user[64]; int last_gid = -1; char last_group[64]; void stat_user(unsigned char **p, int *l, struct stat *stp, int g) { #ifdef FS_UNIX_USERS struct passwd *pwd; struct group *grp; int id; unsigned char *pp; int i; if (!stp) { add_to_str(p, l, " "); return; } id = !g ? stp->st_uid : stp->st_gid; pp = !g ? last_user : last_group; if (!g && id == last_uid && last_uid != -1) goto a; if (g && id == last_gid && last_gid != -1) goto a; if (!g) { if (!(pwd = getpwuid(id)) || !pwd->pw_name) sprintf(pp, "%d", id); else sprintf(pp, "%.8s", pwd->pw_name); last_uid = id; } else { if (!(grp = getgrgid(id)) || !grp->gr_name) sprintf(pp, "%d", id); else sprintf(pp, "%.8s", grp->gr_name); last_gid = id; } a: add_to_str(p, l, pp); for (i = strlen(pp); i < 8; i++) add_chr_to_str(p, l, ' '); add_chr_to_str(p, l, ' '); #endif } void stat_size(unsigned char **p, int *l, struct stat *stp) { unsigned char size[64]; if (!stp) add_to_str(p, l, " "); else { sprintf(size, "%8ld ", (long)stp->st_size); add_to_str(p, l, size); } } void stat_date(unsigned char **p, int *l, struct stat *stp) { time_t current_time = time(NULL); time_t when; struct tm *when_local; unsigned char *fmt; unsigned char str[13]; int wr; if (!stp) { add_to_str(p, l, " "); return; } when = stp->st_mtime; when_local = localtime(&when); if (current_time > when + 6L * 30L * 24L * 60L * 60L || current_time < when - 60L * 60L) fmt = "%b %e %Y"; else fmt = "%b %e %H:%M"; #ifdef HAVE_STRFTIME wr = strftime(str, 13, fmt, when_local); #else wr = 0; #endif while (wr < 12) str[wr++] = ' '; str[12] = 0; add_to_str(p, l, str); add_chr_to_str(p, l, ' '); } char *get_filename(char *url) { char *p, *m; for (p = url + 7; *p && *p != 1; p++) ; if (!(m = mem_alloc(p - url - 7 + 1))) return NULL; memcpy(m, url + 7, p - url - 7), m[p - url - 7] = 0; return m; } struct dirs { unsigned char *s; unsigned char *f; }; int comp_de(struct dirs *d1, struct dirs *d2) { if (d1->f[0] == '.' && d1->f[1] == '.' && !d1->f[2]) return -1; if (d2->f[0] == '.' && d2->f[1] == '.' && !d2->f[2]) return 1; if (d1->s[0] == 'd' && d2->s[0] != 'd') return -1; if (d1->s[0] != 'd' && d2->s[0] == 'd') return 1; return strcmp(d1->f, d2->f); } void file_func(struct connection *c) { struct cache_entry *e; unsigned char *file, *name, *head; int fl; DIR *d; int h, r; struct stat stt; if (anonymous) { setcstate(c, S_BAD_URL); abort_connection(c); return; } if (!(name = get_filename(c->url))) { setcstate(c, S_OUT_OF_MEM); abort_connection(c); return; } if ((h = open(name, O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY)) == -1) { int er = errno; if ((d = opendir(name))) goto dir; mem_free(name); setcstate(c, -er); abort_connection(c); return; } set_bin(h); if (fstat(h, &stt)) { mem_free(name); close(h); setcstate(c, -errno); abort_connection(c); return; } if (S_ISDIR(stt.st_mode)) { struct dirs *dir; int dirl; int i; struct dirent *de; d = opendir(name); close(h); dir: dir = DUMMY, dirl = 0; if (name[0] && !dir_sep(name[strlen(name) - 1])) { if (get_cache_entry(c->url, &e)) { mem_free(name); closedir(d); setcstate(c, S_OUT_OF_MEM); abort_connection(c); return; } c->cache = e; if (e->redirect) mem_free(e->redirect); e->redirect = stracpy(c->url); e->redirect_get = 1; add_to_strn(&e->redirect, "/"); mem_free(name); closedir(d); goto end; } last_uid = -1; last_gid = -1; file = init_str(); fl = 0; add_to_str(&file, &fl, ""); add_to_str(&file, &fl, name); add_to_str(&file, &fl, "

Directory "); add_to_str(&file, &fl, name); add_to_str(&file, &fl, "

		while ((de = readdir(d))) {
			struct stat stt, *stp;
			unsigned char **p;
			int l;
			struct dirs *nd;
			unsigned char *n;
			if (!strcmp(de->d_name, ".")) continue;
			if (!(nd = mem_realloc(dir, (dirl + 1) * sizeof(struct dirs))))
			dir = nd;
			dir[dirl].f = stracpy(de->d_name);
			*(p = &dir[dirl++].s) = init_str();
			l = 0;
			n = stracpy(name);
			add_to_strn(&n, de->d_name);
			if (lstat(n, &stt))
			if (stat(n, &stt))
			     stp = NULL;
			else stp = &stt;
			stat_mode(p, &l, stp);
			stat_links(p, &l, stp);
			stat_user(p, &l, stp, 0);
			stat_user(p, &l, stp, 1);
			stat_size(p, &l, stp);
			stat_date(p, &l, stp);
		if (dirl) qsort(dir, dirl, sizeof(struct dirs), (int(*)(const void *, const void *))comp_de);
		for (i = 0; i < dirl; i++) {
			unsigned char *lnk = NULL;
			if (dir[i].s[0] == 'l') {
				unsigned char *buf = NULL;
				int size = 0;
				int r;
				unsigned char *n = stracpy(name);
				add_to_strn(&n, dir[i].f);
				do {
					if (buf) mem_free(buf);
					size += ALLOC_GR;
					if (!(buf = mem_alloc(size))) goto xxx;
					r = readlink(n, buf, size);
				} while (r == size);
				if (r == -1) goto yyy;
				buf[r] = 0;
				lnk = buf;
				goto xxx;
			/*add_to_str(&file, &fl, "   ");*/
			add_to_str(&file, &fl, dir[i].s);
			add_to_str(&file, &fl, "");
			/*if (dir[i].s[0] == 'd') add_to_str(&file, &fl, "");*/
			add_to_str(&file, &fl, dir[i].f);
			/*if (dir[i].s[0] == 'd') add_to_str(&file, &fl, "");*/
			add_to_str(&file, &fl, "");
			if (lnk) {
				add_to_str(&file, &fl, " -> ");
				add_to_str(&file, &fl, lnk);
			add_to_str(&file, &fl, "\n");
		for (i = 0; i < dirl; i++) mem_free(dir[i].s), mem_free(dir[i].f);
		add_to_str(&file, &fl, "
\n"); head = stracpy("\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n"); } else if (!S_ISREG(stt.st_mode)) { mem_free(name); close(h); setcstate(c, S_FILE_TYPE); abort_connection(c); return; } else { mem_free(name); /* + 1 is there because of bug in Linux. Read returns -EACCES when reading 0 bytes to invalid address */ if (!(file = mem_alloc(stt.st_size + 1))) { close(h); setcstate(c, S_OUT_OF_MEM); abort_connection(c); return; } if ((r = read(h, file, stt.st_size)) != stt.st_size) { mem_free(file); close(h); setcstate(c, r == -1 ? -errno : S_FILE_ERROR); abort_connection(c); return; } close(h); fl = stt.st_size; head = stracpy(""); } if (get_cache_entry(c->url, &e)) { mem_free(file); setcstate(c, S_OUT_OF_MEM); abort_connection(c); return; } if (e->head) mem_free(e->head); e->head = head; c->cache = e; add_fragment(e, 0, file, fl); truncate_entry(e, fl, 1); mem_free(file); end: c->cache->incomplete = 0; setcstate(c, S_OK); abort_connection(c); }