A description of an XML application which itemizes changes over the life-span of a software project. Changes are tracked by releases, with a granularity of individual items made up of files that were affected. Randy J. Ray (rjray@blackperl.com) 2004-11-22 changelog,xml,schema An XML Schema declaration describing an XML expression of software project change-logs. XML Schema for Changelogs An XML Schema declaration describing an XML expression of software project change-logs. Randy J. Ray Randy J. Ray An open-ended container type for including version-control information at various levels within the changelog structure. This is the only type which explicitly permits content from foreign namespaces. A description block is used to document everything from specific change items to the release as a whole. The versionString type is applied to attributes that describe simple revision-number strings. It only supports CVS (RCS) styled version numbers. The fileType definition is used for the file element, a part of the itemType declaration. It is defined separately so that it can be referred to from multiple places. A file element contains a single block representing a fileType. These element blocks define a single change-item within the scope of a given release. A change-item consists of one or more files that were affected, and a description of the change itself. An item element contains a single block representing an itemType. The release is the primary piece of information that a changelog collects and organizes. A release contains an optional description, followed by one or more item blocks. The release element is also the greatest user of attributes besides the file element. A release element must have at least a "version" attribute, uniquely identifying the release itself. Additionally, it may have "tag" to associate it with a release-system tag and "date" to specify the date the release was created. The changelog element is intended as the document root element. It contains an overview element (identical in structure to the description element, but named differently to prevent collision in XPath queries) and one or more release blocks.