This is a list of ways to say hello in various languages. Its purpose is to illustrate a number of scripts. --------------------------------------------------------- Amharic (-)    Arabic Czech ( esky) Dobr den Danish (Dansk) Hej, Goddag English Hello Esperanto Saluton Estonian Tere, Tervist FORTRAN PROGRAM Finnish (Suomi) Hei French (Franais) Bonjour, Salut German (Deutsch Nord) Guten Tag German (Deutsch Sd) Gr Gott Greek ()   Hebrew  Italiano Ciao, Buon giorno Lao() ,  Maltese Ciao Nederlands, Vlaams Hallo, Dag Norwegian (Norsk) Hei, God dag Polish DzieD dobry, Hej Russian ( CAA:89) 4@02AB2C9B5! Slovak Dobr deH Spanish (Espaol) Hola! Swedish (Svenska) Hej, Goddag Thai ( 2)2D") *'1*5#1, *'1*5H0 Tigrigna (u -) 0 u Turkish (Trke) Merhaba Vietnamese (Ting Vit) Cho bn Japanese (eg,) 0S00k0a0o, z Chinese (N-e,fn,lI) O`Y} Cantonese (|,^gqq) efh, O`Y} Korean (\) HUX8Ɣ, HUXȮL Difference among chinese characters in GB, JIS, KSC, BIG5: GB -- QCl _S JIS -- QCl vz KSC -- QCl# v| BIG5 -- QCl# v| Just for a test of JISX0212: N (the second character is of JISX0212)