Mpd 4.1 User Manual : Configuring Mpd : Web server commands
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4.4. Web server commands

This chapter describes commands for configuring Mpd's web server.

set web open

Opens the web server, i.e., creates the listening TCP socket.

set web close

Closes the web server, i.e., closes the listening TCP socket.

set web port port
set web ip ip

Sets the credentials for the web-listener. After changing one of these options, the web must be closed and re-opened for the changes to take effect.

set web user username password

This configures which users are allowed to connect to the web server. This command may be invoked multiple times with different usernames.

set web enable option ...
set web disable option ...

These commands configure various web server options.

The enable and disable commands determine whether we want the corresponding option.

The options available for the web are:


This option enables basic authorisation on web server. Default is enabled.

Mpd 4.1 User Manual : Configuring Mpd : Web server commands
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