2002/05/02 - now libinit is automatically called on client dll startup 2002/01/27 - fixed console output for get_password 2002/01/20 - back-ported fix for fulltext indexes (wrong report by myisamchk) 2001/11/21 - MySQL 3.32.42 build 3 released. 2001/11/19 - got GNU Readline to compile with VAC++, now console has a working history. 2001/11/10 - fixed file locking on non-JFS disks; DosSetFileLocksL does not support ranges > 2GB on non-JFS disks. 2001/09/16 - fixed creation directory of temporary files - enabled cached list file for deleting temp open files 2001/09/10 - Build source 3.23.42, released 2001/09/08 - fixed file api 2001/06/12 - fixed support for > 2GB file size, needs also DosOpenL - mixed 64bit/32bit file size support, dinamic loading of 64bit API. 2001/06/03 - added support for > 2GB file size 2001/06/02 - fixed file locking code 2001/05/29 - 3.23.38 build 2001/05/20 - rint fix - isam O_RDONLY table handled fix 2001/05/19 - new TLS code, fixed parser crashes and many other problems. - fixed pthread_cond_timedwait, now handle manager expires