SmartStore.Biz позволяет создавать полностью функциональный и профессионал online магазин (не требуется глубокого знания). Она позволяет любой компании начинающей свой e-бизнес самостоятельно создавать профессиональные online магазины. is the leading turn-key eCommerce solution for small and medium-sized enterprises. With a range of features to leave the competition in its tracks, its modern and intuitive user interface allows every eCommerce newbie to develop and publish a professional online store at the touch of a button. After entering the product- and storedetails creates pure HTML code. This saves you from having to set up CGI-, PHP- or ASP-scripts and this means there are no restrictions in picking your desired ISP, additional costs for expensive server sided applications are not neccessary. allows you to quickly access all administrative tools offline. Maintaining and administrating your store can be done without any cost-intensive online sessions - quick and easy. Скачать/Download s/n:SM3-M33000000-205DE-8O3-HRA0HR-4IC