# # SSh startup # # Reset colors # color -d # Redefining some colors # Format is color # To get list of all color names type "color " in system console # and press "Tab" # #color defcolor black #color defbgcolor white # Reset hosts list # rmhost -a # Adding some hosts to quick-host list # You can access these hosts in console by pressing up/down # or typing "#x" as address, where x is number of host in list # addhost lan@ccfit.nsu.ru addhost lan@class.inp.nsk.su addhost lan@ultra.ssc.nsu.ru addhost vtf831@cclib.nsu.ru # Setting default cipher # This cipher will be tried for future connections. 3Des will be used # if selected cipher not supported # Warning: des cipher is insecure now # #cipher blowfish cipher 3des # Setting prefix for global hotkeys # for example, after this command to toggle encoding you should press # Ctrl+Alt+K # keyprefix Ctrl+Alt # Setting encoding for all consoles # encoding koi8-r # Windows encoding for system and log consoles # encoding win-1251 10 encoding win-1251 11 # Setting backspace character (del=^? back=^H) # backmode del # Setting beep sound # beepmode ok # Setting current directory (for dumping consoles, saving configs, etc.) # cd c:\temp # Setting interval between sending keep-alive packets # keepalive 5 # Setting terminal-type string # term xterm # Setting screen buffer size for each console (in lines) # screenbuffer 1024 # Setting password for lock system console # you can lock it using command 'vlock' # This is MD5 checksum for password 'password'. # To change password you should type 'vlock -p' in the system console # and input new password twice, copy MD5 hash of your password and # replace it in command below. # Alternativale, you can type 'save' after using 'vlock -p'. This file # will be rewritten by SSh and MD5 hash of new password will be written # automatically. # vlock -m 5F4DCC3B5AA765D61D8327DEB882CF99