27/01/2003 3[APA3A]tiny proxy 0.4 New features marked with !. Features: 1. General + HTTP/1.1 Proxy with keep-alive client and server support, transparent proxy support. ! FTP over HTTP support. ! DNS caching + HTTPS (CONNECT) proxy + SOCKSv4 Proxy + SOCKSv5 Proxy (TCP only) + Transparent SOCKS->HTTP redirection + POP3 Proxy + TCP port mapper + UDP port mapper + Threaded application (no child process). 2. Proxy chaining + Parent proxy support for any type of incoming connection + Username/password authentication for parent proxy(s). + HTTPS/SOCKS4/SOCKS5 and redirection parent support + Random parent selection + Chain building (multihop proxing) 3. Logging + turnable log format + stdout logging + file logging + syslog logging (Unix) + ODBC logging (Windows and Unix) + log file rotation (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly) + automatic log file comperssion with external archiver (for files) + automatic removal of older log files 4. Access control ! ACL-driven (user/source/destination/protocol or combined) bandwith limitation ! ACL-driven (user/source/destination/protocol or combined) traffic limitation per day, week or month + User authorization by NetBIOS messanger name + Access control by username, source IP, destination IP, destination port and destination action (POST, PUT, GET, etc). + Access control by username/password for SOCKSv5 and HTTP/HTTPS/FTP + Cleartext or encrypted (crypt/MD5 or NT) passwords. + Connection redirection + Access control by requested action (CONNECT/BIND, HTTP GET/POST/PUT/HEAD/OTHER). 5. Configuration + support for configuration files + support for includes in configuration files + interface binding + running as daemon process + utility for automated networks list building Unix + support for chroot + support for setgid + support for setuid NT + support --install as service + support --remove as service + support for service START, STOP, PAUSE and CONTINUE commands (on PAUSE no new connection accepted, but active connections still in progress) 6. Compilation + MSVC (msvcrt.dll) + Intel Windows Compiler (msvcrt.dll) + Windows/gcc (msvcrt.dll) + Cygwin/gcc (cygwin.dll) + Unix/gcc + Unix/ccc Known bugs: - udppm doesn't work if compiled with cygwin. Cygwin doesn't support recvfrom()/sendto() on connected socket, so recv/send is used instead... Not a big deal anyway. Planned for future release: - Web interface for configuration - Signal handling on Unix (for stop/pause/resume/configuration change) - External filter API - Addon URL, antiviral, HTTP cache filters $Id: Release.notes,v 1.3 2003/07/21 14:06:56 vlad Exp $