;[connect name] will modify the connection if ADC.connect="name" ;[connect default] will modify the connection if name is not found ;[sql name] will modify the Sql if ADC.sql="name(args)" ;[sql default] will modify the Sql if name is not found ;Override strings: Connect, UserId, Password, Sql. ;Only the Sql strings support parameters using "?" ;The override strings must not equal "" or they are ignored ;A Sql entry must exist in each sql section or the section is ignored ;An Access entry must exist in each connect section or the section is ignored ;Access=NoAccess ;Access=ReadOnly ;Access=ReadWrite ;[userlist name] allows specific users to have special access ;The Access is computed as follows: ; (1) First take the access of the connect section. ; (2) If a user entry is found, it will override. [connect default] ;If we want to disable unknown connect values, we set Access to NoAccess Access=NoAccess [sql default] ;If we want to disable unknown sql values, we set Sql to an invalid query. Sql=" " [connect CustomerDatabase] Access=ReadWrite Connect="DSN=AdvWorks" [sql CustomerById] Sql="SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = ?" [connect AuthorDatabase] Access=ReadOnly Connect="DSN=MyLibraryInfo;UID=MyUserID;PWD=MyPassword" [userlist AuthorDatabase] Administrator=ReadWrite [sql AuthorById] Sql="SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE au_id = ?"