Zinc Data File 5.1 Personal Version License DO NOT DISTRIBUTE>erp000e:\engrstar\erfr\wizard\source erp000.znc zp_erp000erp000 zc_erp000{ ZafData378|3@T% ZafData1086 ZafData963  EasyRecovery will help you recover lost or inaccessible data quickly and easily. To ensure the safety of your data, you will be required to specify a different drive or partition to store the recovered data. A Zip disk is an ideal place to put recovered files, but any formatted disk partition will do. For assistance at any time during the data recovery process, you may select 'Help.' To begin select 'Next.' EasyRecovery will then scan your system looking for drives. The scan may take several seconds. )F? ZafData547 ZafData286 Welcome to EasyRecovery! ZafWindow ZafWindow~ApplicationData SourceCodeApplicationData objectDataHBASENAMEJ DIRECTORYR DATAFILESr PERSIST_NAME~ INCLUDESWINDOWS HELPOBJECT WINDOW_CLASS ZafWindowwelcome zc_welcome  objectDataB ZafData378ZafPaletteData/ ZafText3251212241ZafText objectDataS ZafData1086ZafPaletteData/ O0 ZafData963 ZafStringData!  ZafString325129190 ZafString  objectDataH ZafData547ZafPaletteData/ 0 ZafData286 ZafStringData! ZafDerivedObject zc_erp000  zc_welcome/