#!/usr/bin/perl -w #This is my first attempt at perl, the idea of this is so i don't have to put #my password in to read notes off my eggdrop everytime . Im ganna make a more #complete script now that ive done this #I would like to thank fortune.pl witch i used as help and also the xchat #scripting doc and perlmonks, my email is essonpa@bcc1.clarendon.vic.edu.au $bot = "urbot"; $pass = "urpassword"; IRC::print "For $bot"; IRC::add_command_handler("notes", "notes_run"); IRC::add_command_handler("notesread", "notesread_run"); IRC::add_command_handler("notesdel", "notesdel_run"); IRC::add_command_handler("notesend", "notesent_run"); sub notes_run{ IRC::send_raw "PRIVMSG $bot :notes $pass index\n"; } sub notesread_run{ IRC::send_raw "PRIVMSG $bot :notes $pass read all\n"; } sub notesdel_run{ IRC::send_raw "PRIVMSG $bot :notes $pass ERASE all\n"; } sub notesent_run{ my $to = shift(@_); IRC::send_raw "PRIVMSG $bot :notes $pass to $to\n"; }