#!/bin/perl # # This script is quite simple, it will send your # favorite ascii art (from a file ) to IRC, # Type /load ascii.pl , and to use just type # /ascii ascii.txt # # Any Coments to ralfaro@lantech.co.cr # # ( Hey Carolina, it U r looking this I love you ) # Carolina is my girlfriend :) # # Ronnie Alfaro 21/8/00 # IRC::register("Shadow ascii send","0.0","",""); IRC::print "\nLoading ascii script 0.0 ............\n"; IRC::print "Usage: /ascii ascii-file-to.send \n\n"; IRC::add_command_handler("ascii", "ascii"); sub ascii { $myNick = IRC::get_info(1); $myChannel = IRC::get_info(2); if ( ! $_[0] ) { IRC::print "You need to put a ascii to send \n"; return 2; } IRC::print "$_[0] \n"; if ( ! -f $_[0] ) { IRC::print "\nNo such file or directory\n"; IRC::print "Type a valid filename \n\n"; return 2; } open(ASCII,$_[0]); while ( $line = ) { IRC::print "$myNick : $line "; IRC::send_raw "PRIVMSG $myChannel : $line"; } return 1; }